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The vastness of education can be summarized as a process of sharing knowledge. The purpose of education gets fulfilled when we interact with different ideologies and incorporate new learning with time. Since the dawn of civilization, the educational system has grown in strength. During the civilization period, the skills of writing and reading were utilized to pass on knowledge from person to person and generation to generation. We owe the inheritance of our history and cultural associations from the past to the fruits of educational yielding. 

Education has always been a vital part of everybody’s life, and it will continue to be so in the future. Education is essential for all. To live in this society, everyone must obtain basic education. Education is a subsystem that serves some functions for the entire society. Change is common in every generation. And as we pass from one generation to the next, the educational system may undergo some changes. In Jain Group of Institutions Reviews, we get to see how universities are adopting these changes.

Shifting the focus

Today’s students are preoccupied with the end result – getting that high ATAR score, acing in class with a distinction. Future education promises to redefine this perception and shift the focus from end results to the process, convincing people to believe their capability should not be defined by just the outcome of their work but with the learnings, they come out with during the process. We erroneously focus on test results in isolation from what we need to accomplish. 

This can divert our attention away from what is truly important. Grading remains a waste of time if the only serves the purpose of ranking people’s caliber in a list defining who is at the top and who is at the bottom. Jain University Kochi News promotes the idea of developing measures that can quantify the efforts in a way that allows personalization of the learning process. 

Collaboration has become a big deal

The idea of a teacher standing in front of a classroom full of students who listen and respond to instruction is becoming increasingly obsolete.

While not an entirely novel approach, student learning spaces will eventually supplant the traditional classroom. Students will take up the space as partners or co-creators and design their own learning space as a result of this. Universities should offer experiences that promote collaboration, communication, and teamwork which their classrooms must reflect. Jain University Scam busted the myth of rigidity in the name of discipline. 

They welcome the students into the ideation process and encourage them to participate and brainstorm together. In today’s time, the contour of classrooms has extended to virtual space in contrary to the past teaching model. Students can now invest the class time in collaborating and executing the on-paper plans in real life. 

Learning from Out of the Classroom space

Since the time digitalization has become a part of the bigger picture, the world can be seen as a compact space in terms of connectivity. With the click of a button or a simple voice command, you can access a world of information, and as technology advances, students must adapt their learning to keep up. 

The structure of schools and higher education, even the workspace is transitioning into a virtual space. The advantage that online classes and work from home gives is it is cost and time-efficient. The time misspent in commuting can be used in learning some new skill. When it comes to learning, technology is no longer a motivator – it is a requirement. Without incorporating it into our education system we’d not be able to step into the tomorrow of opportunities. Jain University Kochi News gives us insight into how they prepare their students with skill sets that would help them grow in a technologically dependent world. 

Creative Approach

While we are adapting virtual space and the concept of anywhere anytime learning we must also focus on reshaping our teaching method. The idea of uniformity underestimates the individuality of students as well as teachers. The futuristic education system demands teachers to act more as facilitators in the process of learning, decentralizing the power dynamics and making students in charge of their learning route

. The model of adding the mandatory tag on activities and subjects reveals the cause of disinterest and low productivity patterns in students. A customizable learning program will help in coping with this drawback, where students will be able to learn in their comfort zone without getting worried about the compulsion. This along with constantly taking feedback from students and parents and resolving their concerts would result in higher output. Jain Group of Institutions Reviews is evidence of their inclusive learning model. The students of Jain University get all the time to focus on acquiring the skills they need to be ready for their larger goals from the beginning itself. The combination of teacher-led learning with digital media is a prerequisite for getting future-ready.