Dogs frequently urinate themselves inside homes. It may cause a headache for pet owners who have to clean up after their pets. But sometimes, it goes beyond the typical frequencies, which can be alarming. Incontinence is one such problem that may cause them in dogs; therefore, you must know why this happens and what you can do about it.

Incontinence Development

Almost all dogs develop incontinence in their later years. It is a common problem among dogs of different breeds, ages, and sizes. In some cases, the cause may be physical, but it is often psychological. If your dog has been urinating at home or inside the house without rhyme or reason and you think something is wrong with them, then do not hesitate. Consult a vet immediately because this can lead to other health issues if left untreated.

A dog suffering from incontinence will usually show signs during their senior years. It is the age wherein they start losing control over bodily functions. For example: if your dog suddenly begins urinating inside the house before she can hold it until she gets outside. It could mean she’s experiencing some physical discomfort, requiring immediate attention from a professional veterinarian.

After consultation with the vet, you must take care of the prescribed medication stock to be always ready. However, do not panic if you discover that your four-legged pal’s need for medication or supplies is suddenly lacking. Prescription drugs and supplies are being offered at reasonable costs by several online sellers these days, such as PetCareRx. Their services are fast, and you may also obtain wellness advice for your devoted pet and information on nutrition and diet.

It is a Common Problem Among Dogs

Incontinence is a common problem among dogs of different breeds, ages, and sizes. It affects more than half of all dogs over the age of seven. However, it isn’t to say that only older dogs experience this issue. Incontinence also affects younger dogs who haven’t yet reached their senior years. This condition can be caused by many things, including surgery, trauma, or even cancer treatments such as radiation therapy.

Additionally, female dogs are often more likely to suffer from incontinence due to their anatomy. Thus, the nature of their urinary tract. Many male pups experience incidents where they lose control over their bladder muscles or cannot feel when they need to go outside for a potty break.

Can Be Caused by Physical or Psychological Issues

If your dog is incontinent, it’s essential first to rule out any underlying physical problems. For example, urinary tract infections or bladder stones can cause a dog to urinate more frequently. Some dogs may also be incontinent due to psychological issues. Anxiety, fear, and stress are all potential causes of peeing in the house without warning signs like lifting their legs or whimpering.

There may be other psychological factors at play here as well. For example, dogs excited about something often sniff around before going outside. It is an instinctive behavior for them. If your dog has learned that, they can go inside just as quickly because it will make a mess on the floor instead of outside. Then this might be a habit they’ve picked up over time without realizing how problematic it’s become.

Treatment With Medication

As a pet parent, you may wonder how to treat your dog’s incontinence. In most cases, the condition can be treated with medication. Medication that helps reduce the symptoms of incontinence include:

  • Analgesics (pain relievers) such as phenylbutazone or flunixin meglumine.
  • Antispasmodics (muscle relaxants) such as oxybutynin chloride or darifenacin tartrate.
  • Cholinergic agents (muscarinic antagonists) such as glycopyrrolate or propantheline bromide.

Moreover, it’s a good sign the wellness of pets has now been taken care of much better than ever. The total industry spending on pets in the United States was $123.6 billion in 2021. They covered the costs of veterinarian care, the sale of veterinary products, the purchase of pet food and treats, supplies, over-the-counter medicines, and other services.

Older Female Dogs Are More Prone

If you’re a dog owner, you must know that female dogs are more prone to develop incontinence than male dogs. You may also want to consider whether or not your dog has been spayed or neutered and whether this could impact their likelihood of getting incontinence later in life.

Male dogs are less likely to develop incontinence because they don’t get pregnant and give birth as often as females. Therefore, female dogs are at a higher risk for developing urinary tract problems such as cystitis (bladder inflammation) or urethral strictures (narrowing of the urethra). Suppose these issues aren’t addressed by your veterinarian immediately. In that case, they can lead through cystocele (dilation of the bladder) into stress incontinence, where urine leaks out when there isn’t enough pressure from urine inside the bladder pushing against its walls.

Usually Affects Spayed Female Dogs

Spaying a dog is the most common reason for incontinence. Spaying a female dog can cause hormone changes and decrease estrogen levels, which control the bladder. It means the spayed dog’s body doesn’t receive enough hormones to keep the bladder under control. A drop in estrogen causes an increase in urine production, leading to more frequent urination and incontinence.

A dog’s age can also determine if she develops incontinence after spaying. For dogs, the most common time for this problem is during menopause, around age 6 or 7. Menopause causes hormonal changes that affect your pet’s urinary tract and nerves. As a result, it makes it difficult for them to hold their urine until they are outside their crate or house-trained area where they are allowed access to the bathroom.

Bring Your Dog to the Vet for a Checkup

At a compound annual growth rate of 9.2%, the market for animal hospitals and veterinary clinics worldwide is anticipated to reach $151.26 billion in 2026. With such tremendous growth, the owners should use the best facilities these veterinaries offer for the betterment of their loving pets. It is crucial to bring your dog to the vet for a checkup first before buying any medication.

Your vet will examine your dog and check for physical problems, psychological problems, and other factors that may be causing incontinence. Then, the vet may recommend medication, surgery, or diet change according to the diagnosis of the medical condition.

Neutering Your Dog

Regardless of whether your dog is male or female, neutering your dog at an early age is a good idea. It prevents the development of prostate cancer and testicular cancer, both of which can be life-threatening conditions that require surgery to treat. Neutering also helps prevent hernias, a condition in which organs protrude through the body wall. Also, testicular torsion, in which twisting the testicle causes it to stop working.

In addition to these health benefits, neutering makes male dogs less aggressive towards people and other animals. It might seem like a good option as the procedure is simple and has little risk involved with neutering.

Seek Medical Attention for Your Dog if He Starts Urinating Often Inside the House

According to the APPA National Pet Owners Survey conducted in 2021–2022, 70% of U.S. households had pets. They are part of your family, so you have to take good care of them. It is a good idea to bring your dog to the vet if you start noticing them urinating inside the house quite often. It can be a sign of a health problem, and you must get it checked out and treated as soon as possible. The vet will do some tests and may recommend medication or other treatments to help with symptoms like incontinence. The vet may also find out what is causing the condition to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.