Did you know that the global HVAC Systems market size was valued at over $127 billion in 2020? Newer energy-efficient furnaces and air conditioners contributed greatly to sales.

But upgrades and replacements are expensive investments for consumers. That’s why furnace maintenance is so important for keeping your older or newer model running smoothly. Do you need furnace maintenance advice?

The following guide will explain 5 tips about furnace maintenance to save you money and keep your home heated. Read on to learn about the yearly furnace maintenance you can easily do yourself.

1. Filter Maintenance

Filters remove debris from the air before it’s heated by the furnace. The furnace filter removes particulates like dust, mites, pollen, pet dander, spores, and bacteria. It’s important to clean your filter regularly and replace it when needed.

Your furnace will have limited airflow if the filter is dirty and won’t function as efficiently. Change cheap air filters every 30 to 90 days. More expensive disposable filters often last up to three months or longer.

2. Inspect the Blower

The blower motor drives a fan that sends heated air through the heat exchanger before it’s distributed through your home. 

If your furnace is noisy it might mean there’s an issue with the blower’s motor or wheel. Shrill sounds often indicate that the wheel has come loose from the motor and it’s scraping against the housing.

Loud humming noises typically point to an electrical issue. Pay attention to these noises and consider professional maintenance to prevent the need for more serious furnace repair services down the road.

3. Help Keep Your Home Warm

Properly seal your home from cold air to reduce how much heat your furnace needs to produce. Use weather stripping around windows and doors, seal and insulate ductwork, and add insulation to your attic if you have one.

4. Don’t Obstruct Vents

The air in your house needs proper circulation for your heating system to work efficiently. Make sure all of your vents are clear and functioning correctly.

All vents need to be open, adjusted so that air flows freely, and no furniture or other items should block vents. Obstructed vents cause your furnace to work harder and eventually causes damages over time.

5. Clear Exhaust Flue Blockages

An exhaust flue requires regular inspection because of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. They are found in the fumes from your furnace and more so if it hasn’t been serviced in a while. 

Blockages in the exhaust flue prevent air from moving inside the system to the outside of your home. This not only causes problems for the furnace but presents health risks as well.

Regular Furnace Maintenance Is Easy

Now you know that a little furnace maintenance goes a long way. It limits damage to your heating system, keeps your home warm, and even keeps you safe from harmful gasses.

So, maintain your furnace regularly and call a professional when necessary to get the most out of your system. Please check out the rest of our site for more helpful tips and information.