Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and sun exposure are the two main factors that speed up the aging process of our skin. When protein or fat and sugar meet, AGEs are created. Although we can’t completely prevent these aging-causing factors, applying sunscreen and paying attention to your overall diet can help with how our bodies protect and heal our skin. And although while eating healthfully is easier said than done, it never hurts to be reminded of the impact that various meals can have on the condition of your skin. With that, our list can be useful.

“But keep in mind that each person is distinct. Not everyone will gain from eating entirely raw, unprocessed foods. And consistently consuming one or two of these meals won’t cause your skin to lose all of its elasticity and collagen.”Tiffany La Forge

 Your health will change, whether or not your skin does, if you deviate from the moderate diet that is optimal for you. As a result, read this list with a pinch of salt (pun not intended). Take the knowledge that is most beneficial to you.


The AGE process is infamously accelerated by sugar (advanced glycation). “It is widely known that sugar glycates collagen, making it easier for them to break down and deteriorate. It’s one of the quickest ways to age your skin, claims Dr. Kiran Sethi, a well-known dermatologist from Delhi. As AGEs build up, the proteins nearby also suffer damage. Your collagen and elastin become stiff and dry as a result, losing their elasticity and vigor. Your complexion will show the results in the shape of wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines. How can you tell whether sugar is having an impact on your skin? Your skin’s surface seems hard and shiny, and the deep fissures (around the lips and eyes) become glaringly obvious.


Skin health depends on liver health. Toxins that can potentially harm the skin are naturally eliminated from the body when your liver is working properly, according to Dr. Ostad. But if toxins accumulate in your liver and aren’t adequately broken down, your skin may experience a range of problems, including acne, sallowness, and wrinkles. — Dr. Taruna Yadav(Senior Ayurveda Doctor)

Avoid Soda

Even if you may already be aware that sodas are generally unhealthy and high in sugar, you might be curious to know how drinking soda can harm your skin in particular. Advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, are created when the amino acids in the collagen and elastin that maintain the dermis are linked together by glucose and fructose (found in soda), according to Kung. Glycation of amino acids makes it challenging to repair collagen and elastin fibers, which leads to aging skin, the author continues. She would therefore advise “against beverages that are heavy in sugars or produced with high fructose corn syrup,” such as sodas and other sweetened, fizzy drinks, as these are “not healthy solutions” for “healthy aging skin.” — Natalie Carlton, MD

Salty Meals

Your body requires 500 mg of sodium, also known as salt, each day to perform vital processes including contracting and relaxing muscles and preserving the ideal ratio of water to minerals.

8 But ingesting too much salt increases your risk of significant health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as water retention, which is when your body retains too much water.

What You Should Do 

Modify your diet

The most important action you can take to stop protein glycation and vascular cell damage is to adopt an anti-AGE diet that is high in antioxidants and vitamins. Theodore Koschinsky, Ci-Jiang He, Tomoko Mitsuhashi, and Richard Bucala conducted a study in 1997 that found that AGEs derived from diet are only partially removed by urine and otherwise persist in the bloodstream.

Fruits, vegetables, salmon, and whole grains are examples of low-AGE, low-glycemic items that may be included in such a diet. You can lower your risk of developing diabetes complications, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure, and other ailments by reducing your sugar intake. Food preparation is essential for preventing the buildup of AGEs. Food cooked through frying, grilling, or broiling forms AGE due to unstable, non-enzymatic connections between sugars and free amino groups (known as Amadori Products). Instead, boil, steam, or stew your food as a “low and slow” alternative to cooking methods that rely on high heat. Find a nutritionist or dietician who can assist you in creating a meal plan that is simple to follow. Work with your doctor to create a meal that is specifically designed for diabetes care if you have diabetes or a family history of the disease.

Exercise Consistently

The glycation of proteins and the circulation of AGEs can be inhibited by regular exercise. Exercise alone won’t bring about these improvements, according to a 2015 Nutrition study, as nutrition has a considerably more significant influence in lowering the creation of reaction products. However, a low-AGE diet is more beneficial when you exercise. Not to add, exercise has long been recommended as a helpful strategy to manage the symptoms of chronic illnesses and reduce the risk of developing other health issues that may result from the consequences of diabetes and heart disease.

Avoid Smoking Tobacco at All Costs

Skin autofluorescence and smoking practices were linked in a 2017 study done in the Netherlands. Researchers came to the conclusion that after 15 years of abstinence, smokers who stopped experienced a decline in SAF accumulation on par with never-smokers. SAF levels are high in people who are frequently exposed to secondhand smoking. Work to distance yourself from this habit as much as you can to lessen AGE production, whether you smoke yourself or are exposed to environments with high amounts of tobacco smoke. Smoking is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, respiratory issues (including emphysema), Type 2 diabetes, and several cancers in addition to speeding up the aging process.

Increasing Your Carnosine Intake

Being a dipeptide, carnosine is made up of two amino acids (in this case, beta-alanine and histidine). It is concentrated in the brain, heart, and skeletal muscles of animals. Carnosine may have the ability to prevent early glycation and lower blood glucose levels, according to a 2018 study that was published in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Increased consumption of red meat, which ironically causes a rise in the buildup of advanced glycation end products, may result from adding carnosine to your diet. Fortunately, carnosine is also found in fish and chicken, although the latter has a much lower concentration. You can take a carnosine supplement, but be aware that additional research is required to determine how helpful it is.