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Insomnia is a significant concern for many people around the world. Many factors influence our ability to get sleep, such as diet, exercise, and stress. Sometimes, an inability to sleep altogether can manifest from many underlying factors. Finding solutions that work for you and your sleep is essential to eradicating the problem for good. To help you discover what might work for you, here are five ways to decrease insomnia in 2022.

  1. Go To Bed Early And Let Sleep Come To You 

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get enough sleep. We toss and turn because we expect to fall asleep right away and, ultimately, stress ourselves into sleep deprivation. Instead of fighting with your body, allow sleep to come to you on its own. By taking the pressure off yourself, you may find that it is easier to go to sleep and that your insomnia gradually fades on its own. You can help yourself out by going to bed early. 

If your head hits the pillow before you need to be asleep, you know you have more time to work with and may feel more comfortable letting your body wind down when it’s ready. Make sure your bed is comfortable, (consider getting cooling bamboo sheets to induce a sense of calm), and that you enjoy relaxing in your bed; this way, sleep can come more easily. 

  1. Journal Your Thoughts And Feelings

Take some time before bed to clear your mind with a sleep diary. Sometimes, our thoughts and ruminations are what keep us up at night. Giving yourself a few minutes before bed to write your feelings and thoughts on paper can create more mental space for relaxation. 

You may find that your insomnia symptoms dissipate over time with a clear head. Your mind may need some time to adjust to building this habit before you notice changes in your sleeping habits. Try to stick to a journaling practice for a few weeks to see if you are noticing benefits with your sleep. 

  1. Take Sleep Supplements

Talk to your doctor about natural sleep supplements that may help alleviate your insomnia. Melatonin and magnesium are two potential options if you struggle with insomnia that may help you drift off. Home remedies such as herbal tea may also help you wind down faster. Sometimes, the small habits we pick up make the most significant difference. Sleep is no exception. 

pink bell alarm clock showing 2:10
  1. Limit Your Caffeine 

Don’t drink coffee and other caffeinated beverages past noon. Make this your new rule and see if you experience relief from your insomnia. Caffeine takes a long time for the body to process, so you may experience an easier time falling asleep if you stop with the caffeine earlier in the day. Try supplementing with herbal teas if you need a pick-me-up during that afternoon slump. 

  1. Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol can interfere with your sleep significantly. While it can help you initially fall asleep, it can prevent you from getting deep sleep, which can quickly create insomnia symptoms. To get the rest you need, abstain from drinking alcohol late into the evening, and limit how much alcohol you consume in general. If you do drink, ensure you drink water to help you stay hydrated.

The Bottom Line

Getting rid of insomnia requires a different approach for everyone. Consider the five ideas above and see what works best for you. Be patient with the process, as your body needs time to adjust to these changes. You may need to give it a few months before you notice a lasting change in your sleep. With enough effort and patience, you can eliminate insomnia symptoms.