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Are you a coffee addict? Make sure you are not getting addicted to caffeine intake!

If yes then be aware of other effects that caffeine can cause to your health.

Many of us rely on a cup of coffee in the morning or a caffeine boost in the afternoon to get us through the day. Caffeine, however, does much more than just keep you awake. But have you imagined the effects that it causes to our body when we consume it in excess? 

Here are the advantages of cutting back on your fancy espresso drink habit

Less stress

Caffeine provides a burst of energy, which is what the majority of us use it for. That energy, however, also stimulates our “fight or flight” hormones. Anxiety, nervousness, heart palpitations, and even panic attacks may result as a result of this.

Those who are already prone to stress and anxiety may find that caffeine exacerbates their symptoms. Furthermore, increased caffeine consumption has been linked to an increased risk of depression in adolescents.

Improved sleep

Caffeine consumption may be interfering with your sleep. According to research, drinking coffee on a daily basis can disrupt your sleep cycle, resulting in restless sleep and daytime drowsiness. This is especially true if you consume caffeine within six hours of going to bed.

Aside from getting a more restful and uninterrupted night’s sleep, caffeine-free people may find it easier to fall asleep.

Improved nutrient absorption

If you don’t drink caffeine, your body may absorb some nutrients better than those who drink it more. Caffeine’s tannins may inhibit some of the absorptions of:

  • Calcium 
  • Iron 
  • B-complex vitamins

This is especially true for those who consume a lot of caffeine, have an unbalanced diet, or are older. Caffeine-free diets can help ensure that you get all of the nutrients you need from your food.

Lower your blood pressure

Caffeine abstinence may be beneficial to your blood pressure. Caffeine’s stimulatory effect on the nervous system has been shown to raise blood pressure levels. Caffeine consumption of 3 to 5 cups per day has also been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Less headaches

Headaches are one of the most common and unpleasant side effects of caffeine withdrawal. And it might not take more than a few days for one to appear.

Have you ever noticed how you get a headache if you skip your morning cup of coffee? This is just one of the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. Others are as follows

  • Confused thinking
  • Fatigue 
  • Having difficulty concentrating 
  • Irritation 

Even if you don’t experience withdrawal symptoms right away, caffeine consumption is a major risk factor for developing chronic daily headaches.

Healthier and whiter teeth

There’s no getting around it: Teeth can be stained by coffee and tea. This is due to the high tannin content of these beverages, which causes buildup and discolored tooth enamel. The sourness of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and soda can also cause enamel wear and decay.

Hormone balance in women

Caffeine abstinence may be especially beneficial for women. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and soda can cause estrogen levels to fluctuate.

Who should avoid caffeine?

There are some conditions when one has to reduce or cut the caffeine consumption otherwise it may harm that person or have negative effects after some period of time.  Remember to control your caffeine intake when – 

1. You’re pregnant or trying to conceive – We all know that pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid caffeine, but it’s also important if you’re trying to conceive. Caffeine consumption has been linked to an increase in miscarriage and decrease infertility. 

2. You have anxiety issues – Those who are prone to anxiety or depression may find that caffeine exacerbates their symptoms. Caffeine has been shown to aggravate certain psychiatric disorders. It can lead to increased irritability, hostility, and anxiety.

3. When you have digestive problems – You have a digestive or gut disorder, such as acid reflux, gout, or diabetes. Caffeine may aggravate symptoms of a pre-existing digestive condition. This is especially true for people who have:

  • Acid reflux
  • Gout 
  • Diabetes 
  • IBS

4. You take certain medications

Check to see if caffeine interacts with any of your prescription medications. Among these medications are:

  • Antibacterial medications
  • Antidepressant medications
  • Asthma medications

Having said that, coffee does have some advantages. There’s no reason to give up coffee entirely if your life doesn’t improve after you stop drinking it in the morning. It’s all about moderation with this food, as with all good things in life.


Caffeine has no nutritional value by itself. Because it has no taste, you won’t know if it’s in your food. Caffeine may be present in some medications without your knowledge.

This ingredient almost always causes some sort of reaction. You may feel more energetic after consuming caffeine but too much caffeine may cause withdrawal symptoms and some long-term effects.

Caffeine tolerance develops over time as you consume the same amount on a daily basis. Caffeine tolerance can also be affected by factors such as age, body mass, and overall health. It is best to gradually reduce your caffeine consumption if you want to reduce your caffeine intake.

Having said that, coffee does have some advantages. There’s no reason to give up coffee entirely if your life doesn’t improve after you stop drinking it in the morning. It’s all about moderation with this food, as with all good things in life.

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