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Article Updated Profile Pic App Warning contains information about the scam and includes reality checks of the information available online.

Do you enjoy seeing yourself in different digital avatars and photos? Are you aware that photo editing apps with artificial intelligence are able to steal your personal information

The Profile Pic App has gained an enormous following in Australiathe United States United Kingdom and Canada . The New Profile pic App Warning is a warning to people.

Why is this warning being given?

The profile pic app has gained a lot of popularity for its powerful editing tools. However, rumors have been swirling that the app might be linked to the Russian government. They are allegedly collecting personal data.

Users were also suspicious of this app due to the fact that it was, according online sources, registered in Moscow. They changed the registration details to Florida. It triggered the people. Many cybercriminal experts and advisors around the world have recommended against such photo editing apps.

Is This The NEW Profile Pic App Taking Money?

Experts believe that Russia may have used the app to misuse and collect data from Westerners. The app was developed by Linerock Investments Ltd in Russia. Some sources online claim that the app acts as phishing software and steals money out of people’s accounts.

There is no evidence that this is the case. None of the users reported that the app had stolen their money. Joseph, a cybercrime analyst, claims that the app is free from malicious bugs.

Expert’s opinion regarding this issue

Warning About New Profile Pic App has been issued by many experts. The app also uses a high resolution image for editing because of Russian links. This consumes more data that any other app. It touches more people.

Recent changes made to registration information by the company are the reason for the warnings. Experts warn the app is capable of stealing personal data and tracking people’s activities. Therefore, people should not install it. The company denied any allegations as there was not enough evidence.

Reality Check of the New Profile App

The New profile pic app Warning topic is currently popular on the internet. However, the company claims that they are registered to Moscow and have many branches throughout the world, including Florida. Every photo editing app will ask for user’s personal data; details of social media accounts.

This company claimed that the issue was normal because every other company has access to users’ data and stores them in another country. According to online reports Facebook and TikTok gathered more data that this app. The rumour is baseless and without any supporting evidence.


The article Updated Profile Pic App Warning gave information about the photo editing software, but it is time to warn people about this dangerous app. A cybercrime expert recommends that people upload non-string attached images. After editing, the image should be installed on the phone. More related updates can be found here.

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