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With the decrease in conventional dealerships, the physical presence of brand experts has greatly decreased. To keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape, car brands must offer consumers an exceptional online experience. To meet these expectations, live streaming solutions can help connect pre-qualified leads to dealership agents. With live streaming, dealerships can provide a superior customer experience on a more personal level. Moreover, live streaming solutions can provide dealership agents with an online presence to better engage with pre-qualified leads. Check on Texas Motive Solutions for more information.

Automated driving

Autonomous vehicles are becoming increasingly common, and several companies are working to develop them. For example, in China, BMW has partnered with China Unicom to test its autonomous driving technology on public roads. This partnership is the first of its kind for a global automaker and highlights China’s rapid progress in connected vehicles. Another company is Didi Chuxing, which announced a partnership with Volkswagen to develop high-precision maps for autonomous cars.

The world currently has 250 million cars, and with an average lifespan of just over 11 years, the number of road accidents can reach millions. This means that there’s an enormous opportunity to save hundreds of billions of dollars by developing advanced autonomous driving solutions. In addition, AVs are expected to be safer than traditional cars, thanks to the modern-day sensors and machine-learning technologies used in them. As a result, many of the leading companies are already developing advanced driver-assist systems for autonomous vehicles.


The advancement of connectivity is changing the automotive world, opening up new revenue streams, and opening up an ongoing relationship with the car owner. However, when connectivity is not up to par, it can result in poor customer experience, impacted revenues, and a damaged brand for the vehicle manufacturer. Connectivity in automotive solutions can help solve these problems by providing a single global interface, intelligence, and insight into the connectivity of vehicles. In this article, we will take a look at how to monitor and maintain connectivity in cars.

The evolution of connected cars is bringing new features to the car, such as navigation, entertainment, and more. The automaker can improve their customers’ experience by connecting the vehicle to their network. The connectivity solutions that car manufacturers can deploy are advancing at a rapid pace. Many car makers are developing proprietary technologies and adding functionality that relies on connectivity. Connectivity in automotive solutions is becoming a vital part of modern automotive development, and vendors are eager to deliver consolidated solutions that simplify the complex task of integrating new features into their cars.

Artificial Intelligence

With the rise of automotive technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent. AI solutions can improve the flow of operations and the quality of products. As a result, the automotive services market is expected to grow steadily over the next several years, exceeding the CAGR of the software and hardware segments. Here are some of the benefits of AI in automotive solutions. Let’s explore these benefits. In addition, AI can help you improve your business processes by avoiding human errors.

In recent years, AI has made its way into many areas of the world’s industries. It has revolutionized the information technology sector, including automotive manufacturing. Today, AI technology can be found in almost every aspect of automotive operations, including car assembly lines, maintenance, and sales. With the advancement of AI, automotive manufacturing can add innovative features that meet consumer needs and better utilize resources. Here are some of the most notable applications of AI in the automotive industry.

Machine Learning

A common misconception about AI and automotive solutions is that they do not work well together. AI can help prevent vehicle problems by predicting how they will occur. Machine learning algorithms are becoming more sophisticated and can be used to provide recommendations to drivers. For example, sensors can detect problems in the past and predict how they will occur in the future. The data from these sensors is analyzed by machine learning algorithms and correlated with manufacturing procedures, saving time and money for drivers.

While many people associate machine learning with innovative products and services, it is playing an important role in automotive data product programs. Data engineering is one of the key application areas, as it is required to solve complex problems related to working with global, local, event-based, and different data sources, as well as varying cadences. Automakers can solve these problems by using shared data features without needing additional headcount. In addition to that, sharing data features across teams can make the process easier, allowing engineers to focus on other aspects of the program.