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Did you know Clarence Thomas was able to reach the highest heights of his career? Did you know that his wife was a strong supporter of the Republican Party? Did you know that Thomas was hospitalized?

People All over the world look forward to the Ketanji nomination for Supreme Court Judge. This article will tell you about Justice Supreme Court Clarence Thomas and the most recent events in his life.

Clarence Thomas:

Thomas was born 23 June 1948 in a predominantly black area near Savannah, Georgia. He attended the College of the Holy Cross, and then he joined Yale University where he received his Juris Doctor degree.

Thomas is now 73 years of age. He will soon retire as the second-oldest Supreme Court Judge, after Breyer, who is 83 years. He succeeds Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court Judge.

Justice Supreme Court Clarence Thomas with his wife:

Thomas was disappointed when he was told that no recruiter would consider Thomas’ J.D. degree. Thomas began his career as an assistant attorney general in 1974. He was promoted to higher positions, but he was finally confirmed as Supreme Court Judge on 15 October 1991. On 23 October 1991, Byron White administered the oath to him.

Virginia Thomas, the wife of Clarence Thomas was involved in the sending of 29 messages to Mark Meadows (Trump White House chief of staff) to reverse the election results.

The messages didn’t mention Justice Supreme Court Clarence Thomas. He was contacted by her to create a plan in order to save America from the leadership of Democrats.

On 6 January 2021, after Joe Biden won the 2020 election, an attack was launched on the U.S. Capitol. CBS had obtained a copy Virginia’s messages for Mark and many protesters eventually received copies. It is not known from whom the messages came.

Thomas hospitalization:

Thomas, who was suffering from flu-like symptoms, was admitted to Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, D.C., on March 18, 2022. Questions about Thomas’ health were not answered by the Supreme Court. Hospital authorities stated that Clarence Thomas , Justice Supreme Court Clarence Thomas , was in steady recovery thanks to antibiotics. He would be discharged within the next two days.


Ketanji Brown, a 51 year-old federal judge who was scrutinized by Republicans for various reasons, is the latest trending news. Joe Biden has nominated Ketanji as Thomas’ replacement. On April 4, Senate will hold voting. She will be the first black woman to reach the Supreme Court Judge post if she is selected.