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You may think every single luxury handbag is made with quality in mind, but this is where you’d be wrong. Not all luxury brands are made equal and when you’re paying high prices, you will want nothing but the highest quality designer bags for men on the market today. 

But how do you find these luxury bags through the thousands of bags on the market? This is where we come in. Here are some things for you to keep in mind. 

Avoid Fake Leather

Unless you have a moral aversion to leather, buying fake leather is not a smart investment, at least in the luxury space. If you think about it, you should not be paying the same price for fake leather as you are for real leather. This is because real leather, if cared for properly, ages naturally and can be kept for decades, whereas fake leather is made of synthetic materials treated with chemicals, so it’s less structurally sound and will tear and wear down faster, while also looking cheaper. 

This means that if you buy fake leather, you are buying a bag that has only a small percentage of the shelf life of real leather, and will also age badly, be hard to clean, and often not be worth the investment overall. 

If you’re not a fan of real leather, you can get high-quality canvas bags instead. 

Choose Real Leather

If you take good care of it, a leather bag will be an investment that can be handed down to your kids and grandkids. It’s an heirloom piece that the men in your family will adore. This is why, after many decades on the market, leather is just as popular now as it was back in the early 1900s and before. 

Not only does leather last, but it also looks very masculine as it ages alongside you. The polished look eventually gives way to a more used look, that with some care can continue to look polished, even a decade later. 

Consider The Composition

Now that you know how to choose leather, you need to look at the components and composition of the bag. Some of the things you need to think about are as follows: 

·      Composition: Think about if the bag is robust enough to carry everything you need it to. Does it have all the compartments you need? Where is it going? How often will you wear it? Is it the right grain of leather for your use?

·      Touch: Do you prefer hard or soft leather grains? 

·      Handles: If your bag is going to break down the line, it’s often the handles that go first. So, are they stitched on correctly? Do the handbags feel robust? Are the handles sewn on the right angles? 

·      Zips/Closures: Are the zips and closures stitched incorrectly? Does everything close and open smoothly? Will the zips scratch you as you use the bags? 

The more you look at these overall composition points, you see either issues or positives in how the bag has been made and how well thought out everything is. In the simplest terms, the more the design team has thought about the bag’s composition, the easier the bag should be to use. 

Always Choose A Beloved Brand

When it comes time to splurge on a luxury men’s bag, you’ll want something stylish, well made, and well designed, something the LV Men’s creative director has ensured for the brand. Choosing a brand with a similar amount of thought that Louis Vuitton has put into its bags means you’ll never be disappointed.