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Your body’s health is what determines how physically healthy you are! Your dietary patterns, level of exercise, and how well you take care of any health issues you may have. Your mental condition is the key to your emotional well-being. Can you unwind and effectively handle stress? What do you think of yourself? Your sense of purpose and the meaning of life are related to your spiritual wellness. Even in difficult times, having a strong spiritual foundation makes feeling at peace and at home easier.

What is Optimal Wellness

Optimal wellness is a state of mental or physical well-being where you use your energy and live your life to the fullest. It includes taking care of yourself the most while pushing yourself to your potential. It is interesting because optimal wellness is not the absence of illness. As the name states, it’s the most optimal or appropriate version of yourself. It is quite multidimensional and incorporates multiple factors.

Optimal Physical Fitness

Being at the optimal fitness level means you’ve pushed your body to its potential rather than pushing it too much or not enough. It doesn’t just mean fitness through exercise but also making sure you are intaking the proper diet. 

Optimal Mental Wellness

Mental well-being can mean different for different people. It could be you being happy one day and another day, simply being able to push out negative thoughts.

Financial Optimality

Most people identify financial optimality as having enough financial security and freedom of choice to do most of the things they want.

How To Discover Optimal Wellness

Our lifestyle choices are the components of wellness that most of us are familiar with. These include aspects like how much one exercises, what one eats, how much sleep one gets, and how one behaves in social situations.

These aspects significantly influence how healthy we appear to be on the outside. The actions we take are in the same range and may have an impact on our well-being. Relationships, productivity, time spent on social media, and even our level of self- and other respect are all included. All these aspects of our wellness are within our control. And these decisions and actions can improve or worsen your wellness.

Engage in Physical Activity

To achieve optimal health, one must be physically fit. Regular exercise has numerous advantages for maintaining health and preventing disease. 

Understand Emotions

Whether or not we are aware of it, our thoughts influence how we feel. Our automatic thoughts frequently reflect how we view the world, and these beliefs significantly influence our emotions and actions.

Most often, our automatic thoughts are reflections of our fears. When we think about something enough, it eventually takes the form of a belief that controls our emotions and perceptions. Imagine thinking, “I can’t do anything well,” as opposed to, “This is tough, but I know I can do it if I try.” These views would have a very different impact on how we view ourselves.

Maintain Social Interaction

Social optimality is when you’re around people who bring you peace and remove any sources of anxiety rather than giving it to you. one way of achieving it is to see who those around you truly support you and who drains all your energy out. The key is observing people’s behavior when you’re in distress and when you’re successful.

Doctor Visits

It can’t be specified enough how important it is to regularly visit your doctor and ensure you’re working to your potential. To achieve optimal wellness, ask your doctor what functional medicine is and how you can attain optimality.

Challenges with Optimal Wellness

Busy Lifestyles

Many individuals have busy lifestyles, making it challenging to find time for physical activity, healthy eating, and self-care practices. It can be challenging to prioritize wellness activities when work and other commitments demand significant time and energy.

Work-Related Stress

Work-related stress can be a significant barrier to achieving your desired wellness. Your job may demand long hours and stretch you out emotionally, so you can’t prioritize yourself.

Lack of Social Support

Social support is essential for optimal wellness. When you feel like you don’t have someone to talk to it can lead to social isolation and negative thoughts. 


You all have setbacks, and life occurs, whether you’re at the better end of your wellness journey or still navigating it. Irritability, boredom, stress, poor sleep, and weight gain are a few symptoms that could point to an imbalance in your wellness.