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There’s no denying the convenience of a single-use pod. Just pop it into your coffee machine, and you’re good to go. But there are several benefits to using reusable coffee pods, such as Caffitaly pods. Not least of which is the fact that they can save you money! You can also control the coffee beans, roast, grind and amount of coffee you use in your reusable coffee pod. This means you can make a cup of coffee exactly how you like it, every time.


The average price of a pod is about $0.50-$0.75 per cup, depending on the brand. In comparison, the cost of an 8 oz bag of coffee beans ranges from $8-$12 (depending on quality). Using one cup daily and buying whole bean coffee at that low-end price would cost you  $541 annually!

On the other hand, if you bought the same amount of ground coffee in pods instead of beans at those same prices, your total would come out to only $95/year. That’s almost seven times cheaper than buying whole beans.


Reusable coffee pods are super easy, and they’re available at a local store near you or online, like the famous Caffitaly pods. You can get them shipped to your home or office and delivered right to your door, free of charge. Plus, they’re so simple to put together. Simply pop one in the coffee machine and start brewing.

Once you’ve used your reusable coffee pod, there’s no need to clean up before using it again. There’s also no need to buy filters or disposable cups after each brew. Instead, wash out the top portion of the pod before refilling it with fresh grounds for another cup. And if anything does spill over into your machine when you remove an empty pod, don’t worry about any mess left behind either. Just wipe down any spills with a lint-free towel before using it again.

Better for the environment

You’ll favour the environment when you use reusable coffee pods. If everyone in your office were to switch to reusable pods and get rid of their single-use alternatives, it would save nearly 200 million plastic cups per year. That’s a lot of waste that could be avoided.

Additionally, because there’s no need for plastic or paper lids or stirrers (which are often made with BPA), this will help reduce your exposure to chemicals found in these products. This is especially true if you’re using an open cup rather than a closed one because then there’s nothing between the liquid and whatever else might be floating around in your office kitchen cupboards or fridge shelves.

Since each pod has its lid built into it, you won’t have any unwanted spills when transporting them across campus throughout the day (or night). 

Compost it when empty.

When your coffee pod is empty, don’t throw it away! Compost it.

Composting is a natural process that turns organic waste into nutrients for plants. It’s an excellent way to reduce your waste and reuse the materials that would otherwise go into landfills. You can even make your compost bin out of wooden pallets or other household items.

In addition to saving space in landfills and reducing pollution from toxins released during plastic decomposition, composting also helps restore soil fertility while adding nutrients back into the system after being stripped by intensive farming practices over decades (or centuries).


You’re more likely to use reusable pods if you know they’re good for the environment, which means you won’t produce as much waste. This is a win-win situation because it helps save the planet and your wallet simultaneously.