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If you’re one of the 84.6% of Americans that have a driver’s license, then you’ll know just how vital your car is to your daily schedule. In fact, it probably feels like your second home!

It makes sense then that when you move, you’ll bring your car along with you. Otherwise, you’ll either be stuck at home or will have to use public transportation.

It’s highly recommended that you use a door-to-door shipping service in this case.

Why? Read on to find out all the benefits you can get from using door-to-door car transport!

Save Time

In a long-distance move, you already have to worry about packing, switching utilities, renting a moving truck, and more. This is hours of labor, so don’t you want to cut that down if you can?

If you use a car transport service, this is possible! All you have to do is arrange for pickup and dropoff times, as well as inspect the vehicle before and after transport with the trucker. That’s it!

Once your car leaves your possession, it’s out of sight, out of mind. You’ll have a lot of freed-up time to get important matters taken care of.

Save Money

In addition to time, you’ll also save money. You’ll initially have to put down some cash to pay the shipping company, but in the end, you’ll come out in the green.

This is because you won’t have to take time off of work to make the long drive to your new home. And you won’t have to pay for things like snacks, meals, gas, potential car repairs, and hotel stays. All these expenses work out to be way more than auto transport services, so this is actually the more financially smart decision!

It’s Affordable

You might think that shipping your car is an expensive ordeal. This is probably why you’ve never even considered this service.

But the truth is, it’s very affordable! This is especially true if you opt for things like open carrier and economy shipping, as these factors will drive costs down even further.

It’s Safer

Driving for long periods of time is a tough job. You need to maintain your concentration and avoid potential accidents. If you’re not used to doing this, you can land in unsafe situations quickly.

A door-to-door shipping service takes this responsibility out of your hands and puts it onto experienced and skilled drivers who are used to long hauls. They’re also trained to drive defensively so they keep themselves and their precious cargo safe.

Your car is also safer with shipping, especially if you choose to use enclosed shipping. It’ll sit in what’s essentially a box, which means it’ll be safeguarded from debris, dirt, and weathering.

It’s Convenient

Door-to-door shipping is exactly what it sounds like. The trucker can pick up your car right at your old address, then deliver it at the front of your new one!

In the worst-case scenario, if any street is too narrow or unsafe for the driver to go down, they’ll ask to meet you at the nearest large parking lot for pickup and/or delivery. Should this happen, you still don’t have to go very far to use these services.

But in the best-case scenario, you won’t have to take off work to wait at home for someone to pick up your car. You can drive to work, get a text for the window when the trucker will be there, then pop out quickly to hand off your vehicle to them.

The same goes for when you receive your car. You can have the trucker deliver your vehicle anywhere, such as your home or work. You’ll be texted a window again so all you’ll need to do is head outside for a few minutes to get your car!

It’s Quicker

The beauty of door-to-door shipping is that it’s much quicker than regular auto transport. This eliminates the need for your car to sit in a terminal yard. And you won’t have to make your way out to pick it up once it arrives.

As soon as the driver picks up your vehicle, it’ll be on its way to the destination. When your car gets there, just open your door, and there it is!

It’s More Flexible

With regular auto shipping, the carriers are working with a more traditional and rigid schedule, such as Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. This might not fit your car shipping needs.

Door-to-door carriers usually offer more flexible schedules, such as nighttime hours and weekend appointments.

Must See

Reduce Wear and Tear on Your Car

Whether you’ve got a new or old car, driving it across the country will definitely put wear and tear on it. The odometer will go up, your tires will wear down, and your engine will work hard. Not to mention, every minute spent on the road is a chance that your vehicle will break down, leading to costly repairs.

When you have an auto shipper transport your vehicle, it’ll sit in there safely, meaning it’ll arrive in the same condition it left in!

Get Door-to-Door Shipping Service for Your Car

As you can see, a door-to-door shipping service can be a godsend for your upcoming relocation. Not only can it save you time and money, but it can also reduce unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicle.

So if you’re moving soon, do yourself a favor and budget for door-to-door shipping. You’ll be glad you did when you see how easy it is and how it eliminates hassle!