Covid-19 may have lost its initial, psychological impact on the world, but that has nothing to do with the reality of things. Viral epidemics do not care about how humans feel about them, so it should not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the latest covid updates that SARS-CoV-2 is still here, and it is still infecting people on a massive scale. That is the most important and relevant reason why employers must maintain strict covid compliance standards for the foreseeable future. Stay with us as we elaborate more on that chain of thought.

Reason 1: It’s Not Optional

It is mandatory for a company owning or operating a business within the United States to maintain general and sector-specific covid compliance standards, as set by federal and applicable state authorities. Some states are more lenient in this matter than others, but such measures are not absent in any US state, nor are they likely to be for the foreseeable future. Therefore, compliance with covid prevention rules is not optional and failure to comply will inevitably result in hefty fines at best and a complete shutdown at worst.

Reason 2: HIPAA Compliant Covid Reporting is not Optional for Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare facilities have been more affected by the pandemic than any other sector, but they are also subject to the highest number of compliance regulations because of their uniquely susceptible position. Employers in the healthcare sector should not need more reasons to maintain covid-19 compliance standards at this point because their establishments and employees have been at the forefront of this battle from day one.

However, maintaining covid compliance for healthcare-related businesses is a much harder job for more reasons than one. It isn’t just about the extremely complicated task of keeping staff and patients as safe as possible from the infection itself, but also about doing so in a manner that doesn’t violate HIPAA standards. Any employer within the healthcare sector should already know how complicated and confusing that can be. Thankfully, companies like Snap Healthcare have managed to digital solutions capable of solving all problems and contradictions related to covid-19 reporting and HIPAA compliance, turning it into a seamless process.

Reason 3: There’s Always a New Threat on the Horizon

Despite several vaccination shots, the ever-evolving mutated coronavirus is continuing to become more resistant to those vaccines with each passing day. Although vaccines have significantly decreased mortality rates, their efficacy as a preventive measure has dwindled considerably since they first came out. This means that employers must ensure that their employees are not only vaccinated but also vaccinated with the latest booster shot, as and when they become available.

Maintaining a safe and secured work environment for everyone will only be possible when updated vaccinations, standard workplace sanitization, physical distancing, and applicable use of PPE (masks, respirators, gloves, etc.) are all made necessary for everyone. Infections within the workforce are not just bad for the morale and health of the workers, but also for the company’s productivity for very obvious reasons.