Many of us have experienced the sinking feeling of removing our favorite clothing from the dryer only to see it considerably smaller than before. Nothing is worse than worrying that you’ve destroyed your beloved sweater or work dress, and it can make you fear your machine isn’t working properly. Unfortunately, while the dryer may be to blame, many other factors can cause your clothes to shrink. Follow these quick and easy strategies for minimizing laundry shrinkage—plus all the reasons it may be happening in the first place—if you want to avoid the continual pull of too-small garments.

Causes of Clothes Shrink While Wash

Clothing can shrink in three different (and highly technical) ways: felting, relaxation, and consolidation. Understanding which shrinkage affects your favorite pieces may take some time and effort.

  • Felting Shrinkage 

One of my washing clothes services says felting is the first type of shrinking in clothes made of animal hair fibers such as wool or mohair. These materials have small scales on their surface that can shrink and mesh when exposed to moisture and hot temperatures. The all-too-familiar shrink sweater issue is caused by this compression, which can happen fast if the sweater is not treated properly.

  • Relaxation Shrinkage

When an absorbing fabric (such as cotton, silk, or linen) or fabric designed to be absorbing (such as a synthetic performance fiber) is exposed to liquids or excessive moisture, relaxing shrinkage occurs. 

According to Washing clothes services, when these absorbing fibers are exposed to water, they absorb it completely and expand, causing the garment’s overall size to shrink.

  • Consolidation Shrinkage 

Consolidation shrinkage is another common problem when moisture, heat, and mechanical action are all present. Combining these variables leads the fabric’s fibers to release any pulling or stress applied during the garment’s manufacture, causing them to relax and return to their natural form.

How To Prevent Shrink From Clothes

Many of the reasons clothes shrink and stretch happen long before you take the item home. However, there are several things you may do to help reduce shrinkage. As per dry cleaning near me, one of the most important is to read clothing care labels. Sure, having to dig under your top for instructions on washing it isn’t very pleasant, but those instructions are there. They’re made with the clothing fibers in mind, so pay attention to the label if it says to avoid hot water or just air dry.

According to the dry cleaner near me, it’s also good to check all labels before purchasing anything. For example, if you’re looking for something made of natural fabrics like cotton, wool, or linen, pay close attention to any labels that say “pre-shrunk.” It means the cloth has been shrunk before the garment is stitched together, leading to less shrinkage during preservation.

Hello Laundry, a laundrette and dry cleaner near me in London & Essex suggests that a cold rinse is a smart option if you’re unsure how a cloth will react to its first wash. While cold water may not prevent complete shrinkage, it will be less damaging to the fabric than hot water and make washing your clothing easier. The same is true when it comes to drying your clothes: When possible, air dries a garment, but use the lowest heat level on your dryer if that’s not possible.

If you live in London and are looking for the best washing clothes service, you should contact Hello Laundry to get the best service.

Steps To Unshrink Your Clothes

Once the damage has been done, unshrink your clothes by following these steps.

  • Fill a tub or tub halfway with lukewarm water and a cupful of baby shampoo, hair conditioner, or delicate-cycle laundry soap. 
  • To be clear, these are the best washing detergents.
  • To loosen fibers, soak for up to 30 minutes.
  • Remove the clothing item from the water and carefully press out the extra moisture without washing it.
  • Put the clothing on a flat towel and gently roll it up, squeezing it until damp but not soaked.
  • Gently stretch the clothing item back to the pre size on a dry flat towel.
  • Let for air drying of the garment.


A change in the size of a fabric or garment is known as shrinkage. In addition, the length, width, or thickness of the fabric or garment may change in a good or negative way. While the thickness of a fabric can change throughout a garment’s life, it rarely causes a problem with its fit.

The fit of a garment is affected by shrinkage, whether it is a loss or addition of length or width measurements. In addition, stitch gapping, loosening (pull or hang of cloth), and decorative stitching distortion can all be affected by shrinkage.