Did you know about Peacemaker? We are familiar with the name as it was first featured in Fightin’ 5. Peacemaker, a fictional superhero series, was created by Charlton Comics and later acquired by DC Comics.

Today, we’re talking about the HBO Max series which was released January 13, 2022. After releasing the first three episodes, fans across the United States went crazy.

The most searched keyword is Who Are Peacemakers Dad. Let’s take a look at the twists and turns the series has taken so far.

What’s the HBO Max Peacemaker TV Series?

The series, which is streaming on HBO Max, is based upon the comic character Peacemaker. John Cena plays Christopher Smith, the main character who plays the role of Peacemaker.

James Gunn is the creator and writer of the series. He introduces Peacemaker, the character who is released from hospital after completing his previous mission.

If you’ve been looking for Who Are Peacemakers Dad, then you should know that the series premiered on HBO Max on January 13, 2022 with its first three episodes. The rest of the episodes will be available on Thursdays of the next week.

The character of Peacemaker, as depicted in The Suicide Squad earlier, doesn’t give him much exposure. That is why he was presented in a separate show.

Although he isn’t a bad person, he does want to make peace. The Peacemaker is now in charge of project Butterfly.

Who Are Peacemakers Dads?

Fans have been thrilled since the show’s premiere. You may have seen the first episode of “A Whole New Whirled”, which introduces Auggie Smith to Peacemaker, his father, who visited him to retrieve his pet eagle, and get a new outfit.

Robert Patrick was his father, and he helped his son with technology. This ultimately led to his mission. Smith was even able to use his lab to create a strange, outlandish environment and ten helmets to help him grasp and move.

Auggie Who is Peacemakers Dad says that each helmet has a unique combat ability. For example, one of the helmets has underwater vision and X-ray eyesight.

Auggie is sent to jail by his son because of the plot. He is revealed to be White Dragon by white supremacists who devote their lives to him.

Later, John Cena appears to be contemptuous when he travels to Auggie’s house in order to get Eagly.

Information about White Dragon abilities

White Dragon’s abilities and skills have not been fully explored in the most recent episode. However, it is evident that he is an engineer and innovator.

His secret wardrobe is filled with high-tech equipment, including Peacemaker’s helmets.


White Dragon Is Peacemakers Dad is a skilled marksman and combat expert from the DC comics. We are still to discover his distinctive abilities.