Water contamination can occur when harmful substances get into your water supply. If you believe that you or someone you know has been affected by water contamination, you may be eligible to file a water contamination lawsuit. 

This article will explain who can file a water contamination lawsuit and what steps you need to take to pursue a claim.

Who is Eligible to File a Water Contamination Lawsuit?

If you or your family has been adversely affected by water contamination, you may be eligible to file water contamination lawsuits. To qualify, the contamination must have caused you physical harm, economic hardship, or loss of property value. 

In some cases, you may also be eligible if the contaminant was released as a result of environmental negligence on the part of a company or individual.

The Process of Filing a Water Contamination Lawsuit

If you or a loved one became ill after drinking water that was contaminated with toxins, you may have a legal case. There are several steps that you need to take in order to file a lawsuit.

The Types of Damages Available in a Water Contamination Lawsuit

When a resident or business is harmed by water contamination, they may be able to pursue legal action. This article explains the different types of damages available in a water contamination lawsuit, and who can file one.

Generally, there are three types of damages available in a water contamination lawsuit: economic, noneconomic, and punitive. Economic damages are the most common type of damage in a water contamination lawsuit. They include costs associated with such things as lost profits, damaged equipment, and medical bills. 

Noneconomic damages are also common in a water contamination lawsuit. These damages include pain and suffering, inconvenience, and loss of enjoyment of life. 

Punitive damages are rarely awarded in water contamination lawsuits, but can be used as an incentive for the defendant to comply with the plaintiff’s requests in the lawsuit.

The person who files a water contamination lawsuit must meet certain qualifications. Most importantly, the person must have been harmed by the water contamination. 

In some cases, family members or property owners who were harmed by the water contamination may file a lawsuit on behalf of the person who was harmed. 

Other people who may file a water contamination lawsuit include businesses that were hurt by the water contamination, residents who were forced to move due to the water.


How much does it Cost to File a Water Contamination Lawsuit?

It can cost you anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 to file a water contamination lawsuit, depending on the state you live in and the specific legal requirements of your case. Some factors that can increase the cost of litigation include the complexity of the case, whether you need an attorney, and whether you have to travel to court.


If you or somebody you know has been affected by water contamination, you may have a valid legal claim. So who can file a lawsuit? Anyone whose health has been damaged by the water contamination can file suit, as long as they can prove that their injuries were caused by the pollution. 

This includes people who have contracted any type of illness due to the water contamination, including gastrointestinal issues, skin irritation and even cancer. 

If you believe that your property was damaged as a result of water pollution, it is important to speak with an attorney to discuss your case and see if filing suit is right for you.