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Special Event
Special Event

Odds are you’ve got your next big event around the corner. If that sounds like you, you’re probably also wondering what it’s going to take to bring it to the level. Bringing in a cover band? You’ve done that. What about the local man about town? He’s always there anyways. 

Then you have a thought, “What if I could get someone famous to attend?” It would sure be amazing, but is it the right direction to take? It’s OK if you aren’t sure because you are in the right place. Here’s some ideas to make it clearer if this is the next step for the upcoming bash.

You Want The Word To Spread

Special means something different to everyone. If your brand of special looks like a cozy, intimate gathering, you might want to save a special guest until another time. On the other side of that, people want to be where the action is and the action follows those who have fame. Think about all the tabloids you’ve seen just announcing the seemingly odd places a celebrity has been seen. 

Once news breaks, and people see that someone like Cherie Johnson is on the guest list, they sure are going to put aside any doubts about whether they were going to attend the event themselves or not. There are those that admit they want to be amongst the famous folks, and those that don’t admit it. 

If you want this event to be big, get someone famous to announce they are attending and the guest list is sure to explode. 

Their Following Will See It

Face it, we live on social media. If you are a serial party thrower, any celebrity’s following sees that they are tagged in posts at your party, your events might become the new hot thing before you even realize what’s happening. For some that’s the best possible scenario and if that sounds like you, get ready for things to be at the next level.

Even outside of any famous person’s following then attending, having those interactions on any social media that is tagged at your party means that the special event of yours is going to get picked up in the algorithm of whatever sites it ends up on.  

The Event Will Be All The More Unforgettable

If this is what you want for your next special event, having someone famous ought to be the ticket to do so. Just think about it, ask anyone, people will tell a story for the rest of their lives about how they brushed into a celebrity at a coffee shop. 

Imagine how they’ll feel when they can hang out with one for the night, and then have the story to tell for years to come. As the host with the most, isn’t that the number one thing you want anyways? To make an unforgettable experience for those attending. You’ll be the watercooler talk come Monday for all those that attend and there’s nothing wrong with loving that idea.