dental crown treatment

Your smile is one of the first things people will notice and makes you confident. Are you looking for methods to restore a damaged or broken tooth? Technology is making the process faster and painless.  A dental crown procedure is one of the popular choices to fix the damages. 

We have a complete guide to dealing with dental crowns. It is crucial to get all the details about the treatment before making the final decision. 

What is a dental crown procedure?

When your teeth are damaged or need a replacement, it is time to get a dental crown. There might be chances that you want a perfectly healthy tooth and get a great appearance. The dental crown ensures that the tooth is fully covered and provides longevity. 

People have undergone prolonged treatment, which might not provide a long-lasting result. Placing a dental crown over crooked or discolored teeth helps improve the teeth’ appearance. Some reasons to go for a dental crown:

  • Restore damaged or broken tooth 
  • Cover large fillings in a tooth 
  • Protection after root canal 
  • Protect a dental implant from infections 
  • To strengthen a weak or cracked took
  • Hold a dental bridge 
  • Covering severely discolored teeth 
  • To get a cosmetic modification for a better look
  • Avoid the risks of tooth decay and maintain oral hygiene 

If proper care is taken, it will last around 20 years. There are several reasons to get a dental crown for good oral health. 

What is the procedure for dental crown procedure?

The process requires a minimum of two visits, depending on the condition of your teeth. The procedure that is commonly followed for the dental crown is:

Initial Stage 

When you visit the dentist, they will take some X-rays and examine the teeth, determining if you need a dental crown. They will look at the tooth color if you are planning to get a ceramic crown. This helps in matching the shade of the ceramic with your teeth. 

Prepare your tooth 

The dentist will start preparing the tooth that will receive the crown. Some of them might require filling to ensure a perfect fitting. There might be chances of tooth injury or decay in the pulp, which means it requires a root canal before the dental crown procedure. 

Impressions and Fabrication of crown 

Once the tooth preparation is completed, the dentist will use a cord to pull your gum tissue back, known as a gingival retraction. Then they will take an impression of the tooth. Let us look at this process deeply:

  • The dentist will dispense the putty on a metal or plastic impression tray 
  • These trays will be placed over the teeth and ask you to bite. They ensure that you maintain stability for a few minutes. 
  • Once it sets, your dentist will remove the tray from the mouth 
  • The dentist will now examine the impression to ensure there are no impurities and air pockets
  • In case of issues, they will repeat the process to provide the accurate results 

While some dental clinics take digital dental impressions, which makes the process effortless. The digital impression will create a virtual replication of the tooth using multiple angles.

Temporary Crown 

While you are waiting for the permanent crown, your dentist will bring a temporary crown. This will protect the teeth and prevent them from shifting, making it difficult to settle the permanent crown. The dentist can place the temporary crown, test the fitting, and make necessary adjustments. There are chances that they will use temporary dental cement to ensure the security of the tooth.   

Permanent Crown 

This time the dentist will remove the temporary crown and replace it will the new one. You will get a dental checkup and cleaning before placing the permanent one. Ensure that the height has the right shape and adheres to your tooth with a permanent solution. It will be attached to your tooth with a strong dental cement that lasts for a decade. 

Also Read: Your Ceramic Crown: five measures to maintain it

What are the different dental crowns available?

Gold Crowns 

They are the perfect combination of copper, nickel, or chromium. The main benefit of choosing the crown is its great durability and strength. Some dentists might suggest that gold crown depending on the patient’s requirement. The main advantages of the gold crowns are:

  • Highly resistant and strong 
  • Lasts for a longer interval 
  • The minimum proportion of the original tooth will be removed 
  • It is a natural element that will wear down very slowly 
  • They are perfect for back teeth, especially for second molars 

Lithium Disilicate Crowns 

This is a new type in dentistry that is known as e-max. It is an all-ceramic crown made from lithium disilicate that is thin and light.  Some important advantages are:

  • They give you the perfect look 
  • The material is strong and durable 
  • It is ideal for front and back teeth 

All-Porcelain Crowns 

This is highly popular in the dental world and is made from porcelain. A few advantages of getting this dental treatment are:

  • Ceramic or porcelain provides a natural look as it matches the surrounding teeth in color, shape, or size. 
  • It is the best choice for restoring the front teeth
  • There is no usage of metals which means it does not have any toxic materials 

Zirconia Crowns 

It is also a new material combined with the strength of metal and the aesthetics of porcelain crowns. The highly transparent zirconia has become a popular choice. Let us look at some benefits of the crown are:

  • It gives you a great look and feels
  • They are highly strong and long-lasting 
  • Consumes less time as they can be done in the dental office 
  • There are very few chances of wearing down the zirconia crowns 
  • They do not cause any allergic reactions 

The Last Step!

A dental crown procedure is known to be a perfect solution that is now a painless treatment with the latest technology and advancements. Ensure you are at the right dental clinic and weigh all the factors before making the final decision.