Today it’s hard to imagine a good product without the context of a recognizable brand. It doesn’t matter if you’re working with a product that is status-oriented or if you’re creating an info product for hipsters. The point is that all consumers like to be be in the limelight, and therefore pay close attention to the history and philosophy of the brand, identifying it with their own beliefs and principles. In addition, people love aesthetics, which are emphasized by slogans, logos, advertising, and more. Thus, in the space of constant competition, the entrepreneur is exposed to many challenges related to the design side. It’s a good thing if during these challenges the business owner finds a professional team on the brand design system. But, this is not always the case. Today we’re going to talk about the aforementioned system, as well as provide more in-depth information regarding best design systems

What is a Brand Design System?

The design system is a set of solutions found during the research of consumer-product interaction. And also it includes the set of components and regulations which allow to speed up product development without quality loss. In simple terms, a good design system is a combination of UX and UI design, which allows you to create a beautiful design and presentation of the product at all levels, based on an in-depth analysis of the market and potentially the consumer. In addition, all of this happens in the context of adapting style to intelligently working functionality. That is, the technical component is thought through in conjunction with the aesthetic.

What is The Design System For?

Let’s imagine that here and now you need to analyze your potential customers and tell them by what criteria they will choose your product. Good if you have in-depth theories of analyzing consumer thinking and can analyze personality identity types. But what if you do not?

And if you are not familiar with the factors of identity construction, then it is time to turn to professionals and start building a competent design system.

So, in addition to the obvious consumer and market analysis issues, the above system allows you to remove unnecessary or repetitive tasks. This approach helps to relieve the team working on the project and give more opportunity to work through creative issues. Thanks to this there is a certain orderliness and while the UX team deals with the user experience, the UI designers think through convenient functionality. In other words, there is automation of processes. Design systems also allow you to reduce monetary costs and save not only the team’s time, but yours as well. It is important to understand that your site is designed to solve the problem of finding a customer with a competent presented product. Also, its task is to increase recognition of your brand and, therefore, make it stand out among competitors. In addition, the design project allows you to work on the future. Thanks to the creation of proper reporting (e.g. PRD) you can easily transfer the project to another team, as all previous processes will be described in detail.

How do You Create a Design System?

So, we have already understood the tasks and benefits of design system and came to the most interesting question: “How to create a design system?”. Let’s look into it.

  1. So, the first thing you need – is to pick a team. It should include designers, Front-end developers, accessibility experts, content plan strategists, people who do market analysis, optimization professionals, product managers and so on. In other words, it all starts with people who are experts in their field.
  2. Next, you need to talk to the potential users of your product and understand who will use it and how.
  3. If your product already exists and is not new it is necessary to conduct a visual language expertise. If the product is new, you need to create it.
  4. It is worth to set yourself and your team the right objectives, and decide what issues needs to be solved, whether there is a ready-made starting point for finding a solution. If you need to create a new one, analyze whether it will be useful for other tasks.
  5. Another important point is to ensure constant communication between team members. By the way, the startup owner is also part of the team.
  6. The next process involves keeping and recording reports on the work done.
  7. And the last one is making a system and orderliness in carrying out the above mentioned processes.


Creating a brand system design is a multi-level and multi-component job that allows you to gain a foothold in the sales market. To get a really cool result, you need the professional support. You can find a comprehensive system design solution by following the link above.