A one-off hair transplant procedure is far more successful in bringing a permanent solution to hair loss than topical cosmeticremedies and medications. Many people who are great candidates for hair transplants are unclear of what the procedure entails.

First, you need to understand that a hair transplant is done by relocating healthy hair grafts (of your own) from elsewhere on your scalp to the area/s suffering from hair loss or thinning. You should therefore have an idea about how many grafts you will need for the ideal look that you want to achieve as a result of the procedure. The number of grafts also will also be reflected on your bill, because the total cost of a hair transplant is mainly calculated on how many grafts are transplanted.
We have prepared an easy-to-followguide to help you calculate how many grafts you’ll require so you can have a better idea about the cost and length of your hair transplant journey.

What is the optimum number of grafts per square centimeter?
You may be asking yourself the big question; so,how many grafts do I need?On a square centimetre, there might be up to a hundred transplants if you want lush, dense hair. However, ten to thirty grafts per square cm are quite adequate for an acceptable outcome. It depends on the extent of the hair loss and the size of the bald areas that need to be covered. The donor area’s quality (this is basically where the grafts are harvested from) also has a significant impact.
One person may have sixty grafts per square cm whereas another only has ten. This is a very individual decision that should be taken together with your surgeon’s advice.
The Norwood Scale, which is used to calculate the number of grafts to be transplanted on an eligible candidate, is the most commonly referenced guideline for analyzing the condition of the thinning spots. The Norwood scale provides an overview to determine at which phase you stand on hair loss, which then provides the guideline to suggest the number of grafts that may be transplanted to you.

Norwood stage I means that you have healthy, natural hair without any hair loss and that a hair transplant isn’t necessary. Stages II and III points towards a receding hairline stages IV and V point to more advanced and accented hair loss and stages VI and VII mean that you have above-average to severe baldness. The number of grafts that have to be transplanted increases in accordance with where you are at the Norwood scale and so does the cost of the procedure.
When trying to figure out where you stand on the Norwood scale, you can easily follow the description for each grade. You should be ready to answer questions about where exactly you have thinning or balding by pointing out the areas to your doctor. Clinics usually provide a numbered map of the head to help you select problem areas. Reputable hair transplant clinics also offer a free online consultation which you can book on their system.
After you figure out your Norwood scale grade, the next step is to think about the hair density that you will feel happy with. This means that the follicular unit hair grafts per square cm can be arranged according to your budget and/or needs. It is important to set feasible expectations and to pay attention to what the medical consultant advises for your unique situation when discussing the best possible results.
This Graftmeter article will help you figure out if you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant even before you book your consultation with a chosen clinic. You may then have an idea about the cost structure with your anticipated graft transplant estimate to see how much your hair transplant might cost, as pricing is normally calculated on a cost per graft basis.
Do remember that the price gap between different countries is huge and that in terms of hair transplant price/performance Turkey is statistically the top destination. Hair transplant costs in Turkey are also among the lowest in the world along with excellent medical care and the most skilled surgeons.