The Attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby, who was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. While John the theory was earlier associated with the relationship between young children and their parents, it has been found that the attachment theory can also help adult understand their interpersonal relationships in a better way.

As far as adults are concerned, we have 4 different relationship attachment types. Let’s explore them one by one and figure out a way to apply this information to improve your love life.

  1. Securely Attached

One relationship style proposed by the attachment theory is the Securely Attached relationship style.

People who have a securely-attached relationship syle often have a healthy viewpoint regarding themselves and others. Such people do not find it difficult to form emotional bonds with their partners. They do not face any trouble in depending on or trusting their partner. Similarly, they can also trust their partner easily and they feel comfy in depending on them.

They do not tie their self-worth with their partner’s presence in their life, and they are secure in their self-worth even they are not in a relationship.

Usually, people who have enjoyed amiable and interactive interpersonal relationships as a child usually have the securely attached relationship style in their romantic relationships as well.

They do not tend to desire an escape when things get tough in a relationship, instead, they tend to stay and resolve the relationships in a mature manner.

Securely attached people enjoy more heightened fulfillment from their relationship when compared to all the other relationship attachment types.

This does not imply that people with securely attached relationship types do not face relationship issues at all. There are two people in a relationship, and everyone tends to make mistakes once in a while.

  1. Anxious-Preoccupied

People who have an Anxious-Preoccupied attachment style often feel extremely anxious about their relationship. They want to be deeply involved and intimate with their partner right from the beginning of the relationship. This may make them come off as a bit strong in the relationship.

They often want to stay in a romantic relationship just for being close to a partner, as their self-worth is often tied to the presence of a romantic partner in their life.

They will always be in a relationship, and they often feel unworthy when they are single.

They often fear that their partner will abandon them and they feel anxious about trivial matters that they assume will push their partner away.

People who have an anxious-preoccupied attachment style are prone to be possessive and needy in a relationship.

They also tend to be oversensitive and often grab for control in a relationship, tend to be moody, and often obsess over their relationship and their partner.

They can often make rash decisions and they overthink and often assume the worst when it comes to their relationship.

People with this attachment style need constant reassurance and attention to feel secure in their relationship.

  1. Dismissive-Avoidant

People with a dismissive-avoidant style often do not place emphasis on the emotional connection in their relationships. They are highly independent and often have trouble trusting or depending on others, which includes their romantic partner.

They are extremely secure when they are single and they value a sense f autonomy in their life. They often tend to prioritize other things and people over their romantic partners. Their work, social life, or other interests often take precedence over their partner or spouse.

People whose relationship attachment style is dismissive-avoidant often tend to feel suffocated by deep emotional or physical intimacy, and they need regular breaks in their own private space.

These people often do not have many close relationships in their life and often seek to stay unattached for a long time.

  1. Fearful-Avoidant

People who have Fearful-Avoidant attachment style desire physical as well as emotional intimacy but they often refrain from getting close to their romantic partner due to fear of being rejected or hurt.

They may have had experienced past hurt or abuse in the relationship which can make them be reluctant to let their guards down around their romantic partner.

The fearful-avoidant attachment style of a relationship often prevents a person from feeling secure in a relationship hence only a few people with this relationship attachment style have many close relationships.

These are the four major categories of the relationship attachment type and we have discussed each of them briefly. Each relationship style has its own perks and cons. You may seek resources to read more about these attachment types from the internet or your local library.

Regardless of the relationship attachment style, there are some people who feel insecure in their relationship due to sexual dysfunctions. Usually, we cannot change our relationship attachment style, but there are numerous treatments such as Kamagra Jelly and Cenforce 100 to help relieve a person from the symptoms of sexual dysfunctions.

Medications such as Fildena 100 and Vidalista 20 are used for male sexual dysfunctions treatment, but female sexual dysfunction treatments are also available.

There are various factors that contribute to making a relationship successful. Things such as physical intimacy, relationship attachment type, and love languages can help in keeping both partners feel satisfied and fulfilled in the relationship.

Mutual respect, regular conversations, and gratitude are also important for maintaining healthy romantic relationships.