React JS is a world-famous fundamental library for programming in pure Javascript. Created and released by Facebook back in 2015 to simplify the development of interfaces, it quickly gained popularity around the world. Now React JS is actively used by professional programmers and entry-level coders as the basis of a programming language-framework.

The main feature of the framework is components and states. The framework works with components and code states for timely demonstration of changes when programming individual sections of the program. In this regard, React JS works just fine – for an entry-level it is a uniquely simple framework that gives an idea of ​​​​all the nuances of how interface coders work.

Why do we need React.js when we have HTML, JavaScript and CSS

React JS is an extremely convenient way to present a program written in Javascript or HTML as a complete structure, ready to be compiled and executed. All components of the framework are written in their own fork of the main language – JSX, which looks like a cross between HTML and JS. The code is quite descriptive and understandable when viewed if you are familiar with the syntax of programming languages ​​focused on user interfaces.

There is no need for the browser to understand what JSX is – React JS directly translates the code into the Javascript compiler, which should be familiar to almost any browser available today.


First of all, it is worth clarifying why many companies include React JS development in a standard technology stack:

Declarative approach to the interfaces description

The beginning of development on the platform begins with the definition of exactly how and which elements will be displayed on the user interface. Everything here is as easy as shelling pears – React JS provides a sufficient range for coding, working with code and everything else related to programming. If you are a Javascript master, then React JS will definitely seem like the best development platform for you – the support for working with code here is versatile and comprehensive. Each component can be described in the form of convenient and understandable functions, and then assembled together – everything is as fast and convenient as possible.

Clear syntax

When working on the platform, the JSX model is used, which is perceived as a regular HTML. In order to start direct development on the React platform, you do not need to gain additional knowledge – all you need is knowledge of the code and a clear understanding of the basic rules of syntax when programming.

Proper learning curve

The learning curve is an extremely important factor to consider when choosing a framework for working with interfaces. There are far fewer abstractions in React JS – if you know Javascript well, then you can start developing in just one day. It may take more time to fully learn how to use the platform, but the creation of scripts and basic interface elements is excellent here.

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Features of the data binding mechanism

The framework uses the simplest one-way data binding model. It’s very simple in that if you know the programming language, you won’t need to learn new commands to work with third party libraries. The programmer will always be aware of changes in all parts of the code, because the framework works quite extensively in terms of controlling changes in the code and visually displaying the corresponding changes in the program.

Functional approach to development

This library does not force developers to use classes. The framework allows you to freely work with all code elements in the form of pure functions – sets of code lines. There may not be enough code to form the user interface – in this case, you will have to use tons of plugins and change from one framework to another. In React JS, everything is much simpler – pure Javascript is used to create all interface elements, which is very simple from the point of view of a programmer who has mastered this programming language perfectly.