Whether you’re moving to a new city or you’re moving down the block, moving is a tiring and stressful process. People will tell you to begin packing as early as two months before moving, but not everyone has the luxury of time.

If you are of the people in this camp, don’t worry. We’ve compiled a list of realistic tips to help you sort out and plan your moving logistics. Keep reading for some helpful moving tips (or a quick moving checklist) that will make moving homes as pain-free as possible!

Pack a First Day Box

While you’re making decisions all day about what goes into which box, make this one decision to simplify your life for the first few days you move in: pack a first-day box.

A first-day box contains the essential items you’ll need to spend the first few nights in your apartment without having to dig into other boxes. You might want to put in important medication, a phone charger, toiletries, some clothes, a roll of toilet paper, and some cleaning supplies.

While you’re at it, grab some take-out menus from restaurants nearby because you’ll likely be too tired to cook anything after moving.

Coordinate Your Dates

When moving, pay attention to your move-out date and your move-in date. If your move-out date is before your move-in date, you’ll be floating in between apartments for some time. Make sure you know where you’ll stay in between moving, as well as make arrangements to store your furniture and belongings in storage.

Book a Moving Company

If this is your first time moving and you don’t have too many things, you may be able to fit everything in your car–yes, even in a sedan! You might have to take things apart to fit them in your car, but it’s doable.

However, if you’ve acquired larger pieces of furniture such as a TV, a bed, tables, and dressers, you may want to seek the help of a trusted moving company. They have large trucks that will fit your belongings and move them in one go.

Easy Relocation makes your move within the DMV area as stress-free as possible! Check them out if you’re moving into the area!

Set Up Your Utilities

If you work from home, you’ll want to set up your utilities as soon as possible. Your work depends on you having access to the Internet, so make sure you get that sorted out as soon as possible. 

Update Your Address

This may be the most confusing and annoying thing about moving, right behind actually having to get up and move homes. Updating your address when moving can be quite confusing. How do you know what to update?

A few of the most important places to update your address are the postal, insurance companies, the IRS, banks, cable and internet companies, and doctors.

Sort Out Your Moving Logistics for an Easy Move

We hope you’ve gleaned some helpful packing tips for your moving logistics to help shorten your moving timeline. Don’t forget that moving help is only a call away, and we don’t mean bribing your friends with beer and pizza.

For more tips on how to navigate moving and traveling to cities, check out more from our travel and lifestyle sections!