Discover exclusive facts that are not available elsewhere on the subject of purpose of the site, as well as technical information as well as other information about New Mexico

Did you realize that NewMexicoDelivers is frequently searched as an .gov domain within the United States? The actual website was registered as a commercial domain with the URL NewMexicoDelivers.Com.

Let’s consider the latest news regarding the candidate for governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, being attacked by Republicans saying that Michelle almost did not do anything during her time as governor. Let’s look below at the New Mexico to learn about its goals and information.

About NewMexicoDelivers.Com:

NewMexicoDelivers.Com is a promotional website for the election campaign of Democratic Governor candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham.

To counter criticism of Republican candidates and make people aware of Michelle’s targets if she is elected as a governor, the website NewMexicoDelivers.Com was launched.

The election is scheduled for the 8th of November in 2022. The candidates of the Republican party have filed their names, which include Jay Block, Greg Zanetti, Rebecca Dow, Mark Ronchetti, Ethel Maharg, and Michelle Lujan Grisham from the Democrats.

Features of New Mexico :

People are searching the website newmexicodelivers.GOV. However, the actual domain name was registered in Canada on 13th April 2022 for the next one year. has a terrible 1% trust index, 61.7% business ranking, 6% suspicion profile, 8% malware score, 0% spam score, 19% threat profile, and phishing profile. has a poor Alexa ranking of 8,189,667. The IP is secured using the HTTPS protocol, and it has an authentic SSL certification for the next eighteen months. is hosted on three servers from Canada, GB, and NJ.

Agenda of New Mexico : gives an extensive written explanation of the changes to be brought. The redirects the users to various government websites giving full details about the issues mentioned in English and Spanish and focuses on FAQs.

The site covers eight of the major agendas that Michelle has on her list that include:

  1. Economic Relief
  2. Regulatory Reform
  3. Child Care
  4. Universal Preschool
  5. Tuition-Free Higher Education
  6. Working Families Tax Credit
  7. Social Security Tax Cut and
  8. Paid Sick Leave

Newmexicodelivers.Com On Social Media:

Each agenda is posted on the Facebook pages of @mlujangrisham with a brief video of 15 seconds at 00:15. The videos were focused on the important changes Michelle is adamant about.

There’s a small amount of views on @mlujangrisham’s New Mexico posts, with 44 people sharing the videos, and 254 comments for four videos. But, a number of Michelle’s promotional and interviews have been featured since the beginning of April.

About Michelle:

Michelle is 62 years old is currently serving as the 32nd governor of New Mexico. She has been actively involved on the political scene since 2004, and held different capacities. She was a major contributor to the cause of the minimum wage, legalization of Marijuana, Israel issues as well as Laws on guns, Environment and Abortion laws.

Conclusion: has a low Trust Score and Alexa Ranking. The website does have the lowest suspicion, threat and malware scores. The New Mexico is endorsed by Michelle on Facebook pages and aims to promote public awareness about the governor’s election campaign. Hence, is classified as potentially legitimate. It may take some time to make its reputation better online.

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