Boost SEO

Search Engine Optimization is evolving with each passing day, and today the SEO plan has almost changed compared to how it worked years back. Undoubtedly, content is still playing a crucial role in SEO, but the aspect of bulk link building has ended. Instead, it’s focussed on link acquisition, i.e., earning quality links regardless of their quantity.

However, link building isn’t the only marketing opportunity to boost your SEO results. Many marketing opportunities can help you get strong results from SEO.

Use Geustographics: It seems a new terminology for some marketers, but it’s been in the market for years. The guestographics is the blend of guest posting and infographics. Under guestographics, you put your efforts into creating high-quality infographics on a topic already written by top writers across the globe. You just share your infographics with add-on information in exchange for links to your brand. This is an excellent opportunity to create graphical content that increases the engagement of guest websites and helps you earn a quality link.

Get into Influencer Marketing: Yes! Influencer Marketing has a strong impact on SEO results. Influencer marketing benefits SEO by giving you new link opportunities and building trust flow. The cumulative efforts of link earning (via influencers) and trust-building strongly impact your SEO rankings, offering you a better/improved position on the search pages.

NOTE: If you plan to work with influencers, don’t forget to find the right influencer to put your marketing budget in the right direction. E.g., Emilie Haney is a popular name who works as a photographer and freelance writer. So, if you are looking for such an influencer, she is the genuine option to collaborate.

Go with WebP Image Format: WebP is an image format created by Google to replace the traditional image formats like JPG, PNG, etc. that increases load time due to large size. WebP files are highly recommended to improve your website load time. Quick loading is a good practice to earn better search engine rankings. Google Core Web Vitals can help you better understand other approaches to increase your website speed as it has become a ranking factor.

Bind Social Media with Blogs/Articles: Most markets are already putting their efforts to stay alive on social platforms. However, they miss out on connecting the blog/article with their social media content, which keeps them two different. It’s essential to maintain a bridge between the two, and hence you should include your social media content in your blogs/articles.

The best way to do so is embedding YouTube videos on the relevant blogs, which will help you get a high engagement rate and low bounce rate. This is another good sign of getting an improved search ranking.

So, these are the most effective and practical tips that will help you make the best outcome from Search Engine Optimization. If you are a newbie marketer, don’t forget to add these Marketing Strategies to your To-Do plan and experience fruitful results.