Did you know that Harrison, the son and daughter of Jack Wagners was found dead Monday, June 6th? Are you able to find out where Harrison’s body was found by his parents? This incident took place where?

Many people in the United States and Canada are asking the same question. This is why they started looking for information about Jack Wagners Son’s mysterious death. Follow this article to learn all about this event that occurred a few days back.

The tragedy that occurred with the Son Of Jack Wagner:

We all learned that Harrison was the son Star Jack Wagner. Recent information revealed that Harrison was found dead on June 6th. His body was discovered by his parents and police at Los Angeles’ medical centre.

His body had been sent to police for an autopsy report. The updates regarding his death are still pending. We do not have any information at this time about his death.

Jack, Christina Wagner

Christina and Jack had many moments together. Harrison was their youngest child. Jack’s co-star was Christina. Both of them met on the set at General Hospital in late 1980s. They were married later and had children. They were due to have to divorce in 2006, but some issues prevented them from getting married.

They were close friends ever since that day. Harrison posted a picture of his parents a few years back and stated that he was proud to have been their son. Christina also posted a photo of Harrison’s parents before his death. It shows their strong bond.

Harrison Wagner’s Death

We have already discussed that Harrison’s body was discovered at Los Angeles’ medical center. Although no one knows why police began investigating Harrison’s death, they are still trying to find out. According to the source, we knew that the body was already sent for an autopsy report. The result has yet to be reported.

This is why the investigation has slowed down. The report should be available within the week, as expected. We will then be able to learn the cause of Harrison’s death, the son Jack Wagner. According to sources, the mother of Harrison, Kristina Wagne When Calls the Heart is also reminiscent of those days.

Why is this subject so popular?

This topic is a hot topic because Harrison, Jack Wagnor’s son, was found dead in a hospital.

Note: The following information was found online. We don’t create words.


On Monday, the 26-year-old Son of Jack Wagner passed away. Although the cause of death was not known, police were able to send the body to be examined for an autopsy report. The report has yet to arrive. This is why the investigation was halted.

What are your thoughts on the death of Jack Wagner’s Son? Please comment below.