At present it seems that whoever has a greater number of followers has more credibility in social networks, but there is a key question to define this topic: Quality of followers vs. Quantity? Here we explain what each of these terms refers to and we will give you some tips so you can increase your followers on Facebook and Instagram.

Quality vs. Quantity?

To clarify this point, it is important to know if it is better to have, on the one hand, too many followers, although with little interaction on your social networks, or on the other hand, few followers, but with a lot of interaction on them.

It is useless to have enough followers if they do not comment, do not share or do not interact with our publications, in this case we would only have a large number of people who would not contribute anything to our strategy and even our statistics on social networks would be incorrect, in short we would be losing resources and time in something that may not generate results.

In the search for the gradual increase in the number of followers, many times companies acquire false followers or those of dubious origin, this practice is not recommended and in the end it can bring with it very negative consequences, this is due to the fact that being accounts that spend a lot time inactive, could cause the permanent closure of your Facebook or Instagram account, in the worst case.

Currently collaborations with influencers, organizations and public or private institutions have become a trend, if you decide to opt for this option you must choose a collaboration with a person or company that is related to your brand image, line of content and that connects with your community.

Follow them, interact with their posts or content, and later try to propose collaboration agreements with them, as you can see the example Hannah Owo. This technique is very effective in increasing your number of followers in a short time, but it is likely that these new followers from that collaboration are not of quality.

On the other hand, if we have an account with few followers, but the community is interested and very active in your product or service, we will be creating a community that will be worthwhile and will help us to achieve more presence among our target audience, position our brand and even get more sales.

Creating a large and quality community of followers is a very long and complicated process to achieve 100%, but while that happens, we recommend that the number of followers you have is of quality.

Once the above has been explained, let’s review a series of general points that we must take into account when developing a digital strategy to get followers on Facebook and Instagram.

In order to establish a strategy that is effective for us, the first thing we must do is analyze the competition, since they target an audience very similar to ours.

Study which profiles are the most interesting in terms of affinity level, publication frequency, number of followers, and interaction rate (percentage of the level of engagement of an audience with a company’s content).

Locate quality followers, these will help you detect new ways to reach your potential customers or take advantage of opportunities that your competition is not taking advantage of and in this way you will build an audience similar to your brand.

It is important to know who your strategy is aimed at, if you do not know how to start establishing your audience on social networks, here we tell you how to do it.

Once you manage to define your audience, it is time to establish in which social network it is convenient to have a presence, since not all social networks are for all brands.

Defining your social networks will mark the line that you must follow for your content strategy. For example, if your product is highly visual and targets a young audience, establishing your brand on Instagram might be a good move, while a law firm could use a Facebook and LinkedIn page to showcase a little more of your product. Their work experience, serve their customers and maybe they can also be a B2B company.

Value content is essential to gain followers and generate engagement with your audience.

To prepare your content plan, you must answer the following questions:

  • What are we going to post?
  • Where are we going to post?
  • How often are we going to post?

These questions can be answered once you have some idea of ​​your audience so you can post about topics of interest to your potential customers, talk about your product and/or service in a way that your audience finds interesting, create trending debates, carry out giveaways, surveys, etc. and of course, never stop analyzing your target audience every certain period of time, to find out what type of publications they interact with the most, which ones they don’t and why. 

In this way you will be able to analyze the statistics that some platforms offer you and make value decisions for your brand, do not forget that as in traditional marketing, defining your market is a constant trial and error.

Another important point to consider in your content strategy is to take the necessary time to modify the images and/or videos that you will later share on your social networks, since it is vital to publish them considering the different dimensions, formats and duration times that each social network asks you, if you do not know what specifications you must follow, we invite you to review Ashley Tervort blog on: Images and videos on social networks: Know the specifications for each of them.

The Facebook Ads tool helps us promote publications to make brand recognition of our potential customers and in this way they consider us when they require a certain product and/or service equal to or similar to ours.

Establish what objectives we intend to achieve and the way in which they are going to be achieved from the beginning of your social media strategy, for example: Get more followers, generate sales, attract traffic to the website, create brand positioning and what actions will be taken to meet the desired objectives (content plan, social media campaigns, campaigns with influencers, etc.) Remember that your objectives must be specific, realistic and consistent with the capabilities of your company.

Now that you know how to increase your followers on social networks, do what you think could work for your brand and start achieving your goals.