Every year around the end of August, the same Halloween stores pop up just in time to let us know that the holiday is “just” two months away. For those with the foresight to visit when the doors first open, there may be a few new props and this year’s take on Thor and Spider-Man costumes but for the most part, it’s the same ‘ole, same ‘ole.

At many of those stores, all you find is cheap costumes. and a lot of the time they’re missing critical pieces or accessories. Then there are sporadic and/or inadequate size choices and everyone has seen them time and time again and you’ve probably already worn several of them in the past.  

And that only gets worse the closer it gets to Halloween.

A lot of the online stores aren’t much better. Some use different sizing specifications and you either end up with a costume that you and your kids can all fit into at the same time or one that you couldn’t wear if you were half your size. Other times, you don’t even get anything even closely resembling what you purchased or the quality is so poor that it rips or tears the first time you put it on.

That’s where Tipsy Elves is different. They’ve taken every single one of those main points and made it their mission to eradicate them for their customers.

First, they’ve added a TON of new 2022 Halloween costumes and this means that they now have hundreds of great costumes. This year, Tipsy Elves added options for infants, toddlers, and kids too, but there are oodles and oodles of costumes for adults. 

You can order everything from a cute and comfy pickle costume to a sexy skeleton bodysuit and a whole lot in between. A cool benefit of shopping with them is that they work hard to eliminate incorrect size issues by offering an in-depth size chart and having costumes ranging in size from 6M for babies through 3XL for adults.

Perhaps best of all, these costumes will last beyond Halloween. Tipsy Elves sources high-quality material and no matter if you buy a simple t-shirt or a full costume, they guarantee that it will last season after season. This means that they’re perfect for festivals, parades, parties, cosplay, and pretty much anywhere you want to wear a costume.

If you want to sport a unique costume, you’re in luck. These costumes are only available from Tipsy Elves and with hundreds to choose from, it’s not likely that anyone else will be wearing the same thing at this year’s Halloween party.

Here are a few of our favorites. (Warning.. bad puns ahead)

loofah costume

Ladies, scrub away the competition at the Halloween party this year with this unique loofah costume.

Waddle your way into the party in this duck costume and everyone else’s getups will look a little quackers.

One of the biggest ways that Tipsy Elves is changing the way we shop for Halloween is how easy they make it for couples and friends wanting matching costumes. They have dozens of paired selections and instead of having to hunt down one or the other counterpart, the costumes are shown together and sold together.

No more visiting five of the same Halloween stores in hopes of finding a matching pair in the sizes you need. And all too many of them are just too darn cool. Check out these retro toys and matching 90’s leopard couples costumes.

    retro toys         90’s leopard

With hundreds of quality-made, exclusive costumes that are super easy to shop for and with sizes fit for the whole family, Tipsy Elves is seriously changing the way we shop for costumes. Whether you’re looking for something cute, funky, or traditional, you simply have to stop by Tipsy Elves.