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Attending summer camp in Verbier allows children to engage in various camp activities that improve their brain function. Besides keeping them active and eliminating boredom, summer camps enable kids of different age groups to enroll in private lessons, meet new people, and stay away from the screen. Here are reasons why international summer camps are ideal for your child. 

Summer Camp in Verbier Stimulates the Brain

The summer break can be long, and children need something to keep their brains active and busy. Attending summer camps is an excellent way for children to engage in exciting outdoor activities. These activities include scavenger hunts, hiking for older children, crafting, and talent shows. 

The Les Elfes international summer camp in Verbier offers interactive evening activities where children can participate in quizzes. These can be great for improving the child’s language lessons once school resumes. The more your child learns, the more their brain remains active throughout the summer holiday. They will have an easier time adjusting once they return to school than children who did not attend summer camp. 

Besides being enjoyable, day camps instill problem-solving, critical thinking, and reasoning skills in children. This promotes ongoing cognitive development, crucial for maintaining good academic performance. 

Improves Body and Mind Coordination

Children attending summer or spring camps engage in physical drills and exercises which is crucial for keeping diseases at bay. Physical activities can stimulate brain functioning. Experts opine that physical activity can improve a child’s cognitive skills, improving body and mind coordination. 

Maintains Education Rhythm

During the summer holiday, children often lose the flow of regular studies and forget to study. Besides encouraging them to study and complete their homework, enrolling children in summer camps in Switzerland 2023 is an excellent way of enabling them to maintain their education flow. 

Summer camps eliminate the unproductive hours of children, creating an environment for them to engage in fun outdoor activities. Camp pushes the child’s brain to perform more. With a clear and better-performing brain, children learn how to react in practical and real situations and understand the concepts they learn in school.

More Active Hours and Less Sitting

Children spend long hours seated in class and less engaging in outdoor activities during the academic year. Both parents and teachers emphasize academic performance in school. Eventually, children lose the aspect of physical activities in their lives. Attending summer camp in Verbier is an excellent way of breaking that cycle and encouraging children to engage in fun camp activities. 

Continued Learning

Summer camps offer a conducive and more relaxed environment where children can continue learning without the pressures of a classroom setting. Whether they enroll in a language or photography course or learn to play the piano, joining a class while at camp helps improve their brain function. Learning a new language, for example, requires children to memorize short phrases daily. Studies suggest that stepping out of their comfort zones and learning something new stimulates a change in the child’s structure and size of the neurons in their brains. 

Developmental Benefits of Attending Summer Camp

Summer camp stimulates a child’s brain development in a fun and nurturing environment in various ways, which include:

  • Physical Activity

Nearly all summer camps have integrated physical activities like sailing, hiking, swimming, basketball, or kickball into their curriculum. 

  • Summer Camp in Verbier Promotes Competence and Achievement

Summer camps offer a secure and low-stress environment in which children feel comfortable. This encourages them to try new things, interact with their colleagues from different backgrounds, explore different worlds, and strive to achieve goals that seem unachievable.

  • Self-definition

Les Elfes summer camp Switzerland has a dynamic effect on children’s sense of independence. Without teachers or their parents guiding them, children can use their time at the camp to think and make decisions independently. This plays a huge role in teaching them to be self-reliant. 

  • Creative Self-expression

Talent shows, singing sessions, and arts and crafts are some of the best ways children can leverage to practice creative self-expression while at the Les Elfes altitude camp Verbier. Besides allowing children to express themselves in a secure and non-judgemental environment, these activities stimulate brain function.

  • Positive Social Interactions

Les Elfes winter camp Switzerland is one of the places where children can learn how to interact with others positively. Camps bring together children from different parts of the world and unite them towards a similar goal. This trains the children to work as a team and do so in encouraging surroundings. 

  • Meaningful Participation

Sometimes children feel their opinions don’t matter, especially when their parents and teachers decide on their behalf. Summer camp allows children to think and voice their opinions in their group. Some camp programs often appoint a group leader for the week, thus instilling a sense of meaningful participation in each child. Assigning children responsibilities is an excellent way of encouraging them to exercise their brains by thinking of viable solutions. 

Summer Camps can Relieve Children’s Brains from Stress

The benefits of attending summer camp, developing resilience, building friendships, enhancing confidence, and promoting independence, emanate from the middle prefrontal cortex of the brain. It allows children and humans to regulate their bodies and emotions, feel empathy, have insight into others and themselves, adapt to new environments, recover after failure, communicate effectively, and counter fear. Good mental and emotional health helps kids succeed in their studies while enabling them to make things happen and have meaningful relationships. 

Summer Camps Help Develop the Middle Prefrontal Cortex of the Brain

Camps can facilitate the development of the middle prefrontal cortex in the brain. Les Elfes international summer camp Switzerland influences children’s brains, boosting their confidence. Repeatedly exposing children to new, emotional, and challenging experiences can alter their brains’ structure. 

The more children use their brains, the more it grows and becomes stronger. When children encounter summer camp experiences that require them to be flexible, beat fear, manage their emotions, and exercise persistence, which develops the middle prefrontal cortex of their brains. 

It is worth mentioning that when the structure of your child’s brain changes, its function also changes. Camps can influence how children function upon returning to school after the summer break and their adult lives.

Conquering Challenges at Camp Develops the Brain

Camp experiences are fun, explaining why children are always willing and ready to work hard and tolerate challenges. Moreover, they feel encouraged by their peer’s desire to conquer the same challenges and achieve their goals. 

Les Elfes is one of the best summer camps in Switzerland, where children have counselors and mentors who understand their challenges and encourage them to be persistent. This pushes the children to keep trying and learning. Persisting through challenges is an excellent way of developing the brain. 

Eating Healthy and Sleeping Well

The brain relies on blood supply for survival, and proper nutrition enhances the quality of blood. Many summer camps have a healthy diet plan for children’s nutritional needs. Getting sufficient sleep is critical to brain health. 

A good night’s sleep helps children clear their minds and wake up more focused and alert. Lack of enough sleep can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Summer camps have a detailed sleep schedule which campers must adhere to. 


Sending your child to summer camp during the academic break helps the engage in brain-stimulating activities. This keeps their minds active, enabling them to catch up fast upon returning to school. Summer camp activities allow children to participate in engaging and interactive programs and activities which stimulate their brains.