There’s been plenty of talk about sex toys all over the media in the past couple of decades (or more). From Samantha’s Rabbit Vibrator from back in the day all the way to the modern and kinky toys used in shows like Bonding, sex toys seem to be everpresent in the media.

Yet, some people still aren’t on board with being transparent about sex toys. While few talk freely about them, others shy away from the topic. Not to mention, there are many men out there who look at sex toys as their competition in bed. 

The reality of the matter is that sex toys are aids. They are tools that can bring excitement and novelty into your sex life and, depending on what you want and which toys you opt for, even completely transform it. Some sex toys, like cock rings, can actually help you become a better lover.

If you’ve never considered using adult toys in the bedroom, here are some stellar reasons you should.

They Are Fun

First and foremost, sex toys are fun. They come in a whole variety of shapes, sizes, and features, which means that there’s a sex toy for pretty much anything and anyone. Sex toys can offer sensations that our bodies aren’t familiar with.

Let’s take a vibrator as an example. Sure, it looks like a penis, and it might even feel like a penis. But that’s only until you turn it on. Once you do, the vibrations (that a regular penis could never produce) transform the entire experience and take it to the next level.

Or, let’s take a look at cock rings. Not all sex toys are made to make you orgasm as quickly and powerfully as possible. Some, like cock rings, will help you last longer in bed. 

They Can Help You Manage ED

While we’re on the subject of cock rings, we can’t help but mention just how helpful they can be. Cock rings are just some of the many sex toys that are designed to ensure you achieve your full potential in bed.

Erectile dysfunction is something that a lot of men struggle with. However, as with many other things in life, we tend not to talk about it. 

Sex aids like cock rings can help you manage many forms of ED. Because they are designed to constrict the blood flow to (and from) your penis, cock rings can ensure that you don’t lose the erection mid-deed. They can also make your erection stronger than usual.

Other sex toys can also help with sexual dysfunction, given that they give you an opportunity to explore your body and see what makes it tick.

They Improve Confidence

By exploring your body, you get more attuned to it. You become more or better aware of your own needs and desires. What’s more, if you use toys like cock rings, you also get a bit of wind beneath your wings because you can outperform your past self in bed.

All of these factors will affect your confidence immensely. 

If you’re wondering why you’d even need sex toys to explore your body, the answer is variety. Sex toys offer you a new and exciting way to try out things you never thought were possible. What’s more, because there are so many of them available on the market, you have a whole array of sensations to choose from. Things that you can achieve with sex toys aren’t something you can easily replicate with just your fingers.

They Can Boost Your Libido

If you’re in a bit of a sexual slump, then sex toys might be your way to get back up on the horse, so to speak. 

The best cure for not being in the mood for sex is – to have sex. It does sound crazy, but having frequent (satisfying) sex can improve the blood flow to your nether regions and regulate your hormones. That, in turn, will make you more inclined to have sex.

However, if you find your sex life uninspiring and dull, then you need to bring in some excitement into it. And what better way to do it than with sex toys?

Alternatively, if you’re not really feeling in the mood for sex because you have performance issues, there’s a whole selection of sex toys designed specifically to help you battle that issue. The cock rings we already mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. However, they are an excellent first stop for a novice who’s never tried sex toys before.

And Improve Your Stamina

If you’re unsatisfied with how long you can last in bed, adult toys are the perfect answer for your troubles. If you use sex aids like cock rings, you can ensure your erection stays strong (and present) for longer than usual. 

However, even with other sex toys, you can prolong sex. For example, men who have issues with premature ejaculation can use sex toys to finish their partners off. Alternatively, they can use them as part of the foreplay to ensure their partners get a few good orgasms in before they even start on the main course. 

Specifically Made for Your Satisfaction

Sex toys are usually extremely well-designed. Hours and hours of research go into the making of each and every sex toy on the market. Every manufacturer wants to ensure that the toy(s) they make will satisfy most (if not all) of their clients. 

Therefore, it’s safe to say that sex toys are ergonomically made for your body and your pleasure. It’s logical to assume that something made for you will keep you satisfied. And, who knows, maybe it even transforms the way you view pleasure.

Quicker (or Slower), More Impactful Orgasms

As mentioned, sex toys aim to achieve what the body cannot (at least not on its own). They either offer quicker or slower orgasms (depending on their function) and overall promise immense pleasure.

Sex toys can reach places you can’t. For example, anal sex toys can offer anal and prostate stimulation that you couldn’t achieve otherwise. And, in the case of cock rings, they offer constant constriction for your penis. Both of those things, you’ll agree, would be very difficult to achieve without aid. 

So, sex toys ensure that you’re completely taken care of, so all you really need to focus on is your pleasure.

That, combined with the fact that sex toys have features designed for your pleasure, ensures that the orgasms you achieve while using sex toys are unforgettable. That first orgasm you have after you rip the cock ring off your penis after hours spent in Pound Town isn’t something you’re likely to forget, trust us!