The year is 2023, and there is still a good number of readers coming to this blog.

And, we knew before writing this that most of you won’t be able to keep up reading till the end. 

It is so because our attention spans are declining. Alarmingly, our focus equals that of a goldfish. It should not come as no surprise as we’re in an environment that has so many distractions to offer. 

In a world full of distractions, the text might not be the best choice, when it comes to grabbing the attention of a viewer. We already know that users like watching videos more than anything else.

So, text can actually be a dull idea to catch them off-guard. 

Frankly speaking, you don’t stand a chance by throwing large chunks of text at your audience. (They don’t want to read)

But, what might help you (and us) is visuals. 

Visuals are all worth your money to grab attention. 

Plus, there is so much research backing the fact that we tend to retain much more of what we see (including images and videos) than what we read. 

So, visuals are powerful.

But, when we speak of visuals, we just don’t mean simple pictures or GIFs, but we want you to use moving graphics. 

Motion graphics have proven to be of remarkable value for content creators. Anything from a small social ad to a long-form documentary can blend motion graphics to surprise the audience. 

The wider scope of application has kept motion graphics companies going wild in recent years. 

It results in better comprehension by telling heartwarming stories that draw engagement. 

So, in this blog, we’ll give you a walkthrough of motion graphics and how you can use these to tell stories that inspire audiences and create an impact!

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

While most people would suggest you keep your videos under one minute, you won’t do any crime, if it exceeds that limit. 

The reality is, people, struggle with engaging their audience. Content creators who are successful can keep the viewer’s attention till the very end of the video. 

If you can do the same, then don’t put time limitations on yourself. 

Like many who have been successful, you can also choose to use motion graphics to keep the viewer’s attention. 

You can even go for 2D animation services if you want to have some creative work done. 

How to incorporate motion graphics?

One of the most common difficulties, video creators face is they say something, and they need to explain it later. 

Comprehension even though a primary objective of every video, is one of the most difficult ones to achieve.  

Alternatively, you can use motion graphics. Using these can help you to reinforce the words being said. These can work perfectly for you especially when you have listed them in your content. 

Sharing with motion graphics would ease comprehension for the viewer. 

Motion graphics are also used to tell stories on topics related to economics, logistics as well as production. 

While the topic may be dry for a discussion, using motion graphics to reinforce words, and animating key features of a video would certainly improve the level of comprehension. 

Animate text as it is typed

If you want to learn another smart way of using motion graphics, then this one’s pretty simple. All you need to do is animate the text as it is typed. 

When people see text being animated as it is typed, the viewer tends to anticipate how the text would pop up. Now, your viewer is excited, so you can keep their attention for another 8-10 seconds. 

Let’s see what more we can do to tease our viewers. 

Locate the subject with motion graphics

This might be perfect for blogs or travel guides. Ideally, you want to tell the viewer where exactly a particular destination is located. 

While simple images and facts on distance are very common, you can always keep yourself a step ahead of others. Enter motion graphics. 

You can animate two points or locations on a video. Plus, animation could also be fine when you have to explain the strategic value of a particular location. 

Animations can help the user better comprehend why you selected a particular location. 

How to use motion graphics to point out the detail

You can also choose motion graphics to grab attention to certain parts of your video. There may be some segments where you to highlight detail. You can do it best by using motion graphics. 

Use callouts

You can use callout animations to highlight a key product feature. 

Highlight object of interest

There’s no better way to highlight an object of interest than using this motion graphic technique. These can be cool when telling stories or revealing a twist. 

You can highlight the object of interest or a particular word. This concept can be beneficial for you especially when you want your viewer to grasp a concept with great focus. 

Highlighting a particular word will make up for easier comprehension, meaning better delivery. 

Similarly, we’ve so many media channels or YouTube or researchers who would use the same technique to highlight key statistics or indicate an alarming find in their work. 

While the technique may be too simple, it is seriously effective when it comes to grabbing attention. 

Have you been able to keep up till here?

If yes, then this blog has been quite effective in keeping you attentive. 

Bottom Line

To wrap up, plain videos are not enough to grab attention. Our attention spans are declining. Plus, with so much content circling around us, we need something unique and eye-catching to grab our viewer’s attention. 

Motion graphics can be a fine way to do it. There are so many options to attract browsers to your content with beautiful, heartwarming motion graphics animations. 

Investing in motion graphics is all worth your money as it will light up your story!