Travelling is leisure, a necessity, and sometimes a need of an individual. But when a person is suffering from a serious ailment such as cancer, he or she has to limit their movement to some extent due to their treatment. And to be very honest, cancer treatment is not as easy as any other treatment is. It requires multiple sessions of chemotherapy, and during that, a person is always not in the very best of their shape, mental or physical state, or form.

Travelling in Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy sessions and other forms of treatment are always a mental and physical hurdle for the cancer patient and his loved ones. It is not only difficult but also painful for him or her. When you have to travel in such a condition, it is always going to be very difficult. Although I highly recommend you against it, still there is a time when you just have to travel for work, business, treatment, or even leisure sometimes, which you cannot resist. This needs a lot of management and consultation with physicians and travel experts.

Some people love to travel to their favorite destinations, no matter what ailment they are suffering from. There is always an imbalance between the thirst for travelling and their treatment sessions, and in the case of a serious disease such as cancer, the struggle is always difficult. The difficulty is not in travelling itself but in the means of transportation. This article is dedicated to a debate, which argues that can a person fly while having chemotherapy sessions?

Free travelling tip for everyone

Travelling is always going to be expensive. No matter if you are suffering from an unfortunate disease such as cancer or not, you will always have to pay a lot for flight tickets and accommodations. However, there is a great way to find discounts here and there, and I want you to pick them up whenever you can. So, for this reason, I highly recommend you to acquire the services of a renowned travel agency. They can tell you about the best flight deals, connected flights, itinerary, promotions, suitable accommodations, discount offers, airport to hotel transfers, and other important travel details.

Once I was travelling to Sydney from London via Dubai. I wanted to take a stopover between my flights in the Middle East to rest and explore. I was able to secure cheap flights to Dubai and spent a nice time there enjoying the warmth of the desert and white sand beaches. So, if I can manage my trip, you can too.

So, can a person fly while having chemotherapy treatment?

The first thing, to begin with, will always be my personal advice to all the patients that every cancer case is different along with the mode of chemotherapy. So before heading out on any journey, they need to consult their physician first. Now coming back to my topic, every patient can easily travel by air in any form of cancer and treatment with chemotherapy. An individual concern or special case shall always be discussed first with the treating consultant, and this will include any special case, surgery, lung problem, and edema. If their case puts them at any complication or risk, then they should never fly unless cleared by their doctor.

When you are going through the tough phase of chemotherapy, but you want to travel in that condition, even airlines can prevent you from taking a flight. The flight staff or any employee reserves the right to stop you from boarding an airplane if they deem you too sick to travel. Although it happens very rarely, it still happens. And when it does, think of it as something being forced on you for your own welfare.

Airlines are responsible for the well-being of their passengers, which is why they are sometimes strict in getting themselves convinced if a person is cleared to fly. They sometimes analyze a patient by their own doctors or medical specialist before a flight takes off. They are also responsible for the welfare of other patients as well, so if your condition can spread to any other patient, they will simply refuse to fly you to your desired destination. Airlines follow a health and safety manual issued by IATA, and they hold the right to fly you or not based on their rules.

What can a patient with ongoing chemotherapy do?

When you are in a process of active treatment, or chemotherapy session, you should always chart the following points:

  • Ask for your doctor’s advice. If he or she says yes, then you can get a note with their letterhead and signature to show the airlines as a flight clear recommendation. In this way, you have a good chance the airline’s staff will allow you to fly on their flight.
  • Know the airline policies, and your rights to fly. It is always a thing everyone should do before travelling, as everyone no matter if he or she is sick or not should know what his or her rights are. If you need special something for your well-being or health, you can ask for that care, such as an oxygen mask, or any other medical device.
  • A Frequent Traveller’s Medical Card (FREMEC) is great insurance from your airlines. It shows their dedication to accommodating you, especially in their airplanes if you have a special medical situation. When you are having chemotherapy sessions, this card will help you and the airline to determine your condition and whether you are eligible to fly with them or not. However, you can always find another health insurance and use that to fly after signing with the airlines that they are not responsible for your well-being in flight.