If you’ve ever walked around a busy store or public area, you undoubtedly noticed people using their phones regularly. Typically they are engaging in email, Redding online, looking for cheap car insurance rates, using social media, and text messaging. Text messaging has become a powerful communication tool that can also help facilitate marketing goals. To do this, many organizations use text message marketing services.

Whether you’ve used the text messaging service before or you’re just getting started with one, they offer an exciting opportunity to reach a large audience quickly through technology. Here are a few features to look for in a text message marketing service that can help you take your marketing game to the next level. Check it out below.

Pre-scheduling Capabilities and Bulk Texting

Text messages are a near instantaneous form of communication, but they can still be tough to manage efficiently. Marketers need to know the right times to send texts, how to craft high quality content for their text messages, and be able to adapt their messaging to needs / feedback up there intended recipients. It’s pretty complicated. Pre-scheduling abilities allow you to set times to send your messages, define the groups to what you’d like to send them, and apply various filters to get them to the right groups. This has the effect of sending a timely message without having to send it in real time. As a bonus, your customers will be able to respond to them in real time by clicking a link or replying to the message. That’s a powerful tool when you’re testing out a new campaign, doing some A/B testing, or wanting to provide value to your customers through your texts. You can also pre-schedule a bulk text to reach more customers at any given time. Sending bulk texts can help you take a particular marketing strategy to an entirely new level. So be sure to look for the capability to send bulk text messages for business promotions when setting up a text messaging campaign or list. Taking advantage of mass text and bulk text features is a surefire way to generate more leads, create more conversions, successfully market your brand, generate brand awareness, and do all of the things you need to have a successful, profitable business.

Two Way Messaging 

In the past, marketing has really been a one-way process. Whether it’s looking at billboards, listening to radio ads, or watching engaging television commercials, marketers have long relied upon indirect communication with their intended audience. With the advent of text messaging, however, two-way communication is possible. This type of communication is an efficient means of streamlining and improving communications with leads, customers, employees, and anyone else with whom you choose to interact. Utilizing a text messaging platform can help you leverage two-way SMS communications anyway you see fit. You can ensure you’re getting the best possible experience for your business while also providing a quality experience for your customers. Two-way messaging provides focused and much quicker responses, making it something your business and marketing plan shouldn’t do without.


Consider adding MMS to your normal SMS messages. Mms, or multimedia messaging service, gives you the opportunity to provide rich visuals to accompany any messaging you might have. This can allow you to send something like a special occasion card, an image of an exciting new product, or a visually appealing coupon to your customers. MMS messages do cost a little bit more (although not very much. We’re talking pennies here) than their SMS counterparts. They can help you reach a wider audience and improve a campaign’s success while helping you stay in touch with your customers. MMS also offers the opportunity to create more customer friendly messages, design eye-catching promotions, and even run a sweepstakes or contest your customers will love. MMS is more popular than ever before and can offer you plenty of opportunities as a supplement to SMS rather than a replacement for it. Whatever you’re deciding to do with your marketing campaign, using both of these in conjunction with one another will help you create a fantastic valuable experience for your customers due to the ability to mix high quality multimedia with superb content.

Landline Texting

Landlines seem like an anachronism these days. With everyone owning a smartphone, they don’t make as much sense as they once did. Unfortunately, this attitude overlooks the fact that some people still use them at the moment. Landlines are also widely used in offices, making them a good fit for landline texting. Because landline texting offers flexibility and adaptability, especially for businesses, it can be a good fit for a marketing target. Utilizing landline texting boosts efficiency, flexibility, and professionalism by making it easier for anyone to receive and respond to text messages quickly.

Auto Responses

Autoresponders are a great tool to use when you’re trying to build a strong bond with your customers. Such devices automate messages that are sent out to customers once they engage with the initial text you send. They’re an important part of any text message marketing campaign because they take some of the extra workload off of marketers to individually respond to each customer. Auto responses often contain a coupon, deal, A promotion, or additional information for the customer to use to improve their experience. It might even be information they need to make a purchase, do a return, or get assistance with customer service. Sometimes, the small messages that an autoresponder sends out can make a difference between retaining a customer and isolating them entirely. It’s all about communication and responsibility. An auto response is set up by the system to automatically send a message out at either a predetermined interval or during an interaction. Integrating them into your text messaging system is easy as long as you sign up with a preferred provider to get things going appropriately. By taking advantage of Auto responders as part of your text messaging technology solution, you can engage, follow up, interact, and satisfy your customers at higher levels than ever before.