Are you aware of the recent delivery fraud? Do you know the reason behind why a well-known and long-standing firm changed their name in response to fraud issues? The United Kingdom, the well-known firm “Hermes” has changed its company’s address change to “Evri”. It has been receiving hundreds of complaints about mishaps with parcels and poor customer service in the past few months.

The company has chosen to change its name, and to prevent the negative press from ruining its brand name. People are still curious to learn more what the truth is about Evri delivery scam whether or not? Customers also want to know an answer that is correct.

What do you know about shipping scams? Shipping Scam?

Hermes is active in the delivery business since the year 1972. Hermes was highly regarded for their service. However, in 2021 the company came under a lot of accusations from its own customers. Following the allegations submitted by users, prominent media organizations initiated an investigation into the claims.

A lot of customers complained about the misinformation in the parcel as well as the lack of cooperation with the customer service department. The employees of the company too accuse the company of misrepresenting the rules of delivery. Therefore, they have changed their company’s name.

Is Evri Delivery Legit

Our goal is to uncover facts about the authenticity of the website.

  • Domain data– 02/11/2003
  • Website Popularity 28594
  • Trust Index Score100/100.
  • End Date 02/11/2023.
  • The Trust Score is This website scores 86 per cent confidence score.
  • Founder(s) Information: The name of the owner of the domain is identified.
  • Suspicious Proximity – 13 out of 100. This is very low.
  • Contact Information: Postal Address, telephone number, email ID All the details are clearly identified.
  • Alexa Ranking(The Alexa rank of the website is 28594

According to our discussion don’t have any evidence that the business has any negative aspects about the business.

Evri Delivery Scam What are the facts?

Many claim that users have encountered a number of problems over the past year. The first issue is that users have experienced a misguided delivery. Customers tried to reach the customer service authority on their own, but didn’t receive any assistance.

A lot of users were dissatisfied at the company, and believed they were part of a fraud that the company was carrying out. However, later on it was discovered that, according to the investigation, the entire mess occurred due to poor management by the officials of the company. The management eventually was aware of the situation and altered the procedure of work. But still, people ask- Is Evri Delivery Legit?

What is it that makes this News Trending?

Hermes was a well-known company in the field of shipping. The name of the company suddenly comes in the scam investigation. The company has also has changed their name. In addition, a well-known media agency analyzed all complaints from customers. Thus, the story is being discussed.

The Call to the Final

We’ve checked all most important information and facts about the site. We also verify customer comments and have found positive reviews. We also don’t find any information on the website to prove that this Evri Delivery Scam actually happened or not.

Our suggestion is to confirm all information on the website.