Wholesale corrugated mailer boxes are a great way to get your products packaged and shipped out. They are designed to protect your goods and ensure they arrive in one piece.

They also help build customer loyalty and trust in your brand. When customers receive their products in a well-protected box, it indicates that your company cares about them.

Easy to Assemble

If you’re looking for a durable packaging solution that’s easy to assemble, wholesale corrugated mailer boxes are a great option. They’re available in various sizes, styles, and colors so that you can find one that’s right for your business.

They’re also easy to maintain and are reusable. Whether you want to use them for storage, packing, or marketing, they’re the perfect way to keep your products looking their best.

Another benefit of these boxes is that they can be easily customized. You can order a hand stamp with your logo or try a custom sticker to add flair to your brand’s look.

These boxes are made from thick cardboard fiberboards that are durable and will hold your items securely when they’re shipped. They’re also easy to assemble and can be folded together without needing adhesives.

The box can be closed using staples through the overlapping flaps. They’re also good for packaging heavy items because they resist impact and pressure.

They’re also a great choice for small businesses that want to ship their products in a beautiful and sturdy box. These boxes are made of 125# test corrugated material and come in various colors. They’re also FDA compliant, food safe, and contain 40-45% recycled content.


Corrugated cardboard is one of the most popular packaging materials for many products. It’s lightweight, easy to transport, durable, and an excellent choice for eco-friendly businesses.

However, it is important to note that not all used corrugated cardboard can be recycled. Boxes that contain oil stains from food or other chemical residues should be disposed of in the garbage, as these can prevent the material from being processed and will clog up machinery.

Similarly, boxes that have come into contact with blood or other biohazards should be tossed in the trash immediately. This helps avoid contamination at the recycling plant and stops the disease from spreading.

Another way to recycle your empty corrugated mailer boxes is by bringing them to a local scrap yard. They will usually be able to break them down for you and dispose of them safely and efficiently.

If you don’t have a scrap yard, consider contacting a company that offers baling or compacting services for corrugated cardboard. These services can help you maximize the use of your packaging material and minimize storage costs, labor, and equipment requirements.

Easy to Customize

Whether you’re selling online, on the brick-and-mortar storefront, or at an event, having custom mailer boxes that make sense for your business is essential. It would help if you had a functional and attractive box.

Luckily, there’s a wide variety of options for wholesale mailer boxes that can help you create the perfect package. Choose from standard or specialty boxes, such as die-cut and tuck-front closures, to print your branding and to message outside, inside, or both.

You can also add stickers or labels to your mailers to help customers and shipping personnel identify the contents of the boxes. These add security to your packages, making them easier to handle during transit and ensuring that your products arrive safely.

Our corrugated mailer boxes are available in brown Kraft and white cardboard, and both can be customized to suit your product or design. Kraft offers a more natural look and is perfect for organic or eco-friendly products, while white is a lighter option that makes a bold statement when you want to highlight your product.

You can also add foil stamping to your boxes, making your design pop. It’s a great way to showcase your logo or brand identity and give your mailer box a luxury look.


Corrugated mailer boxes are one of the most popular forms of packaging today. They are crush-resistant and come in a wide range of sizes to fit your shipping needs. They’re also lightweight, making them a great choice for saving money on postage.

Corrugate mailer boxes can be custom printed for added brand appeal. This will help you build customer trust and make your product more appealing.

They’re also environmentally friendly. Many options contain raw materials from recycled sources. Some even include fiberboard, which makes them stronger and more durable.

These boxes can hold items of different weights; some are specially designed for fragile or high-end products. They’re also available in various colors and dimensions, which means they’re a great option for any business.

The best way to find the corrugated mailer box that’s right for you is to determine your packaging requirements. Consider what kind of products you’re shipping and whether they’re fragile or perishable.

Once you’ve figured out your box needs, it’s time to start shopping. You’ll find many affordable options online, including small cardboard mailer boxes and void-fill packaging supplies.

In addition to being affordable, corrugated mailer boxes are maintainable. You can reuse them for various purposes, from storage to fun crafts.