
Almost everyone has had the experience of needing to fix their hair in a hurry and coming up with a makeshift solution. Maybe you use a bandana, maybe you tie it back with a clip, maybe you just put it in a bun – whatever you do, you know it’s not going to stay in place for long. But there’s one solution that’s been around for centuries and that’s hair tape!

What You Need To Tape Hair

In order to tape hair, you will need: a hair band, hair tape, and hair tie. The hair band should be large enough to fit around all of your hair, but not so large that it covers your scalp. The hair tape should be wide enough to cover the entire circumference of the hair band, but not too wide that it’s bulky or difficult to work with. The hair tie should be short enough to keep the tape in place throughout the taping process, but long enough so that it can be pulled snugly through the hair.

To begin taping your hair, place the hair band over one section of your head and pull it tight against the scalp. Make sure the tape is evenly spaced along the circumference of the band. Starting at one end of the tape, carefully fold the tape in half and stick it down against the scalp just above where you placed the band. Make sure that you don’t overlap any sections of tape – this will create an uneven surface on your hair and may cause pulling or tingling sensation when you try to remove the tape later. Now repeat this step with each section of your hair.

How To Tape Hair the Right Way

There are a lot of ways to tape hair, but the right way to do it is important. If you use the wrong method, your hair might not stay in place and it will look bad. Here are four methods that you can use to tape hair:

1. Hair Band Method: This is the most common way to tape hair. You simply tie a band around your hair and put the other end of the band under your hair. Make sure that the band is tight enough so that it stays in place, but not too tight that it cuts off blood flow to your scalp. You can also use this method to make a bun or a ponytail.

2. The Double-Sided Tape Method: This is similar to the hair band method, but instead of using a single band, you use two bands side by side. This gives you more control over how tight the taping is and it looks better because it creates an ombre effect. You can use this method to make a bun or a ponytail.

3. The French Braid Method: This is probably the most difficult method to use, but it’s also the best one if you want your hair to stay in place. To do the French braid method, you first tie your hair into a low ponytail. Then, you take one strand of hair and put it behind your ear. You then take the strand of hair that is behind your ear and put it in front of the other strand of hair that is behind your ear. You repeat this process until all of your hair is braided. Finally, you take the end of the braid and make a loop, taping it securely in place.

4. The Wig Method: This is the least common way to tape hair, but it’s also the best if you want your hair to stay in place. To do the wig method, you first tie your hair into a high ponytail. Then, you take one strand of hair and tie it around the back of your head near your scalp. You then take the strand of hair that was tied around the back of your head and put it in front of the other strand of hair that was tied around the back of your head. You repeat this process until all of your hair is wigged out.

What to Expect When Taping Hair

Looking for a way to keep your hair in place without having to use a lot of pins or hair ties? Check out these amazing ways to tape hair, and what it looks like when they’re done! Whether you’re looking for a temporary fix or a more permanent solution, there’s a method for you.

As Seen On:

1. Hair Ties: Use hair ties to create a secure bond between hair and tape. Simply wrap the hair around the tie several times, then secure with a bandanna or another piece of fabric.

2. Cords: Create a cord-taped style by wrapping one end of the tape around your head several times, then tucking the end underneath your hair. Make sure to pull tight so the tape creates a seal against your scalp.

3. Scarves: Wrap a scarf around your head and secure with adhesive tape. The fabric will act as a natural buffer against static electricity, preventing flyaways and frizzing.

4. Clips: Clip your hair up using small clips that are covered in adhesive tape. This ensures that the clips won’t move during wear and that the tape will stay in place even through sweaty workouts or vigorous activity.

How to Tell If Hair is Taped Properly

There are a few things to check before tape-ins. First, is the hairline secured? If the hair is not taped down along the hairline, it can move during the process and cause the tape to pull out or come off. Second, is the hair smooth and free from any tangles? If there are knots or tight curls, they may cause the tape to adhere unevenly and pull away. Third, does the tape cross over itself in any areas? If it does, this can create bumps or ridges that can be difficult to smooth out. Finally, does the tape cover all of the hair evenly? Hair on top of the head tends to be more prone to sticking to tape, so it’s important to make sure that every strand is covered.

Once you’ve checked all of these points, you’re ready to start taping! Here are a few tips:

-Start by putting a small piece of tape on your index finger. Hold the hair in place and apply pressure to keep it in place while you start taping around the perimeter of your head. Make sure that you cover all strands evenly.

-If you have thick or curly hair, you may want to use two pieces of tape. Start by taping one end of the hair, then cover the hair with a second piece of tape and press it down.

-If you have thin or straight hair, you can just use one piece of tape. Make sure that it’s wide enough so that it covers the entire length of the hair.

-Once you’ve taped the hair, use a coarse brush or your fingers to smooth out any bumps or unevenness. Finally, wait 10 minutes for the adhesive to dry before removing the tape.

How Long It Takes For Your Hair To Tape Back In

When you want to keep your hair in place, there are a variety of ways to do so. Whether you’re using a hair tie, a headband, or even just some old-fashioned tape, there are many options available. But how long does it usually take for these methods to work? And what kind of results can you expect?

Hair ties and headbands tend to take the least time to work. They’ll hold your hair in place for a few hours at the most. However, if your hair is very thick or curly, this method might not be enough. In that case, using tape may be the best option for you.

Tape can hold your hair in place for up to 48 hours without any problems. And since it’s removable, you can easily change it if it starts to loosen up. Plus, if you have long strands of hair, tape is the perfect solution because it doesn’t pull on your hair like other methods might.

So whether you’re looking for a quick solution or something that will last longer, using tape is definitely an option worth considering.


Taping your hair can be a great way to keep it in place during activities like running or working out, and it can also look great when done correctly. In this article, we will go over the different types of hair tapes available on the market and show you some amazing ways to tape your hair. Whether you want to keep your locks sleek and smooth all day long or just want them to stay in place while you work, these tips will have you looking good and keeping your hair secured all at the same time!