While physical health refers to the body, mental health relates to the ability to think, learn and understand one’s emotions. It is a state of wellness that grants one the ability to tackle nerve-racking situations and the potential to contribute to the environment and society. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 1 out of every 8 people in the world is suffering from mental health issues. For many reasons, our lifestyle greatly impacts our mental health. Here are some common habits that people have that might affect their mental health

  1. Substance Addiction

Substance abuse users believe that using helps them relieve the symptoms of anxiety and stress. However, this has the opposite effect in the long term. It creates an immediate sense of relaxation, but this is temporary, and withdrawal symptoms and cravings soon kick in. The way drug use changes people’s minds and how they process their priorities indicates that substance use has a huge effect on mental health. Drug abusers are not the only ones who suffer from the consequences of this bad habit. In reality, the whole family has to go through stressful outcomes. To help people with this issue, rehab centers like the Palm Beach Institute are the best option. Even after their effective treatment, they help their clients with an alumni program that provides a network of resources and support.

  1. Physical Activity

We all know that keeping our body active is essential to staying physically healthy. However, did you know the miraculous effect of physical activity on our mental health? When we exercise, the brain releases chemicals like dopamine and endorphin to help the body cope with the activity. These chemicals attach to pain receptors in the brain and help improve our mood. It not only makes us happy but also stimulates parts of our brain responsible for memory and learning. When you are working out, the brain starts to focus solely on exercise, which can help you escape negative thoughts and relax the mind. It is suggested that 30 minutes of exercise three times a week is enough to improve mental health. If you cannot exercise, going for a walk every day is also a good idea.

  1. Eating Habits

There’s a famous saying: “You are what you eat.”  It means that to stay healthy, one should eat healthy food, but this law is not confined to physical health. Excess consumption of caffeine can cause mental health side effects like nervousness, restlessness, and irritability. Serotonin is a chemical that reduces depression. Sugar causes a temporary boost in serotonin and then causes your body to crash into depression as its unnaturally high level eventually lowers. Skipping breakfast deteriorates your mental and physical health rapidly. Not only this, but consuming trans-fat and alcohol abuse are also some habits to wreak havoc on the mind. Another important thing is to take your vitamins. Studies have shown a connection between vitamin B deficiency and depression. Natural sources of vitamin B are fish, lean meat, and egg. A vitamin D deficiency can cause depression-like symptoms as well, and the best source of it is sunlight.

  1. Physical Health

The human mind and body are truly linked. If one is not physically well, then they are at a greater risk for mental health problems. Even slight problems like a toothache can temporarily wear away one’s ability to manage stress. So one should immediately seek medical help. In some cases, mental health problems are caused by physical health issues. Nearly one in three people with a long-term physical condition also have a mental health problem, most often depression or anxiety.

  1. Abuse

Exposure to abuse, whether psychological, physical, or sexual, can cause psychological problems to occur. If abuse has occurred from a young age, then personality disorders (borderline, narcissistic, or multiple personality disorder) may occur. Experiencing abuse or other trauma puts people at risk of developing mental health conditions such as anxiety disorder, post-traumatic disorder, and depression. Therefore a safe and healthy family and social environment are essential to achieving better mental health.

  1. Social Interactions

Bad company has the potential to ruin one’s psychological well-being. On the other hand, good friends who you can trust can bring hope and inspiration into your life. Indulging in fun activities with your friends is a great way to relieve your mind and can help you achieve wellness. Social isolation is a key trigger for mental illness and can lead to negative self-esteem and feeling of loneliness. To tackle this, engage in community and volunteer work, as these make you feel important and can help with low self-esteem.

  1. Lack Of Sleep

It is no news that sleep deprivation causes irritability and anger issues. It can negatively impact your mood and hurt your mental health. We all know that an eight-hour-long quality sleep is essential, but so is a regular sleep cycle, which means going to bed at the same time each night and getting up around the same time each day. This will make it easier for your body to regulate its sleep cycle and can lead to big mental health improvements.

  1. Work Environment

Staying at a job you hate can make your life feel miserable. A negative work environment drains one’s energy and lowers their self-esteem. In such workplaces, employees require frequent breaks as they feel their energy drained. Not only do they undermine their self-worth, but they also lose motivation to put in the extra effort. On the other hand, a healthy workplace makes employees excited to go to work and can inspire them to go the extra mile! 

  1. Relationships

Bad relationships negatively impact mental health, so it is better to get rid of them. Likewise, healthy relationships with family and partners can help people avoid anxiety or personality disorder. Research is increasingly showing that a healthy romantic relationship can positively affect mental health.

Lifestyle affects how you feel and, resultingly, your mental health. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can lead to mental well-being. Lifestyle changes alone aren’t enough to treat serious mental issues, but along with proper medical help, people can save themselves from falling victim to psychological discomfort.