There are few things more relaxing and rejuvenating than taking a hot, fragrant bath. It is one of the most rewarding self-care activities that you can indulge in, as it allows you to take care of your body, ease muscle pain, and relieve stress. Use something like cbd topical cream UK that’s made from natural ingredients after completing bath.

Below, you will find several easy yet effective ways to have a spa-worthy bathing experience at home. Apart from using Epsom salt and bath bombs, you can also add a few drops of essential oils, burn a scented candle, use an exfoliating skin brush, and prepare yourself a cup of herbal tea. Continue reading, choose something that you like, and prepare for having an amazing bath!

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a great way to pamper yourself and enhance the relaxing feeling of a hot bath. Epsom salt is a type of magnesium sulphate sold in pharmacies, supermarkets, and online stores. It is used to treat sore muscles and aches, as well as to reduce stress and anxiety.

Although it is not recommended for people with heart conditions or kidney disease, every other person can reap the benefits of using Epsom salt by adding it to their bath. And since it has quite a few beneficial properties, it can also be used for cooking and cleaning!

Bath Bombs

Bath bombs are a fun and easy way to make your bathing experience spa-worthy. They are available in all shapes, colours, and fragrances, which gives you the chance to choose something that genuinely suits your preferences and needs.

The majority of bath bombs contain moisturizing ingredients that hydrate your skin and leave it smooth and silky. Some others might also have therapeutic benefits thanks to their specialized ingredients. In other words, if you want to feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and revitalized, using a bath bomb is definitely one of the easiest ways to go about accomplishing that goal!

For example, you could purchase a CBD-containing bath bomb, as well as CBD topicals from KosherBlends, for high-quality stress relief. Using both will help recharge both your body and mind quickly and efficiently.

Essential Oils

If you love aromatherapy, try adding a few drops of essential oils to the water. Doing this will help you relax even more and provide you with a number of benefits, such as easing muscle pain, reducing stress, and improving your mood.

Among the most frequently used essential oils for spa-worthy baths, you can find lavender, rosemary, and eucalyptus. However, you should always make sure that you use plant-based oils only, as synthetic ones can irritate your skin. Also, always read the instructions on the product before using it.

Exfoliating Skin Brush

If your skin is not that sensitive, an exfoliating skin brush can be a great addition to your bathing experience. Such a brush gently removes dead skin cells and stimulates blood circulation, making it ideal for reducing cellulite.

For best results, use the exfoliating skin brush when in the bathtub so that your skin remains fresh and soft throughout the night. You can also massage your body with it before getting into the tub. It is up to you!

Scented Candles

To make your bath even more relaxing, light a scented candle or two while soaking in the tub. Ideally, you should go for the kind of candle that is made of natural ingredients and has a relaxing smell. The best calming scents are rosemary, lavender, jasmine, vanilla, and ylang-ylang. 

However, keep in mind that using scented candles is not the best idea if you are dealing with asthma and other diseases of the lungs or if you are allergic to certain fragrances, as the scent of the candles can irritate the airways. In such a situation, you might want to opt for unscented candles instead.

Herbal Tea

What about drinking some herbal tea while in the bathtub? For added stress relief, you could make one using herbs that relieve stress and promote healthy sleep, such as chamomile or valerian root. You should be able to get such teas at any supermarket.

Having bought the tea and prepared the bath, boil some water, pour it into a cup, and add two teaspoons of dried herbs to it. Let the herbs steep for ten minutes before straining them into your favourite mug or another container that can hold hot liquids.

Face Mask

If you want to treat yourself, you can try applying a face mask before getting into the tub. You can either buy one at the store or make one yourself with things like honey and coconut oil, both of which are great for keeping skin radiant and moisturized. Moreover, honey and coconut can also help reduce inflammation, which can be really helpful if you are dealing with acne.

Final Word

The world is a stressful enough place to live in. In spite of that, we can always make an effort to spoil ourselves and take care of our bodies and minds, and one of the best ways to do this is to treat yourself with the most relaxing and pampering self-care activity in the world – taking a hot bath!

If you are looking for ways to make the entire experience even more refreshing and enjoyable, treat yourself to any of the above-mentioned ideas. For instance, you could soak in a bathtub full of Epsom salt and bath bombs, light some scented candles, drink a cup of herbal tea, and enjoy!