Many new mothers and fathers are very concerned about the proper sleeping arrangements for their newborn babies.

A newborn baby either eats or sleeps during HiPP Comfort Formula. This mode is optimal for the active growth of the baby and its adaptation to the new environment.

A newborn baby sleeps for about 17 to 20 hours a day. The baby only wakes up to get food. The intervals between feedings are from 1.5 to 3.5 hours.

There is no definite baby sleep schedule and this mode will be more or less established only by three or four months of life. The baby only stays awake when he/she eats and takes hygienic measures such as bathing and washing.

If a newborn baby is unable to sleep for a long time, it means that something is bothering it (an overfilled diaper, uncomfortable position, abdominal pain, hot or cold, etc.). Also, a newborn’s sleep may be disturbed due to nervous tension.

In the first few days after birth, it is difficult for a mother to immediately identify what is bothering her baby. But over time, she will be able to do this very easily and unmistakably.

The baby’s sleep patterns are constantly changing, and over time he will sleep less and not sleep more.

Recommendations for young parents:

1. Parents should not allow their child to be overtired, since at a young age it is difficult for him to stay awake for more than two hours in a row, to identify signs of fatigue.

2. Let the baby understand the difference between daytime and nighttime. During the day keep him active, communicate with him, turn on the light in his room, do not reduce the usual daytime noises, and wake the baby at feeding time if he starts to fall asleep. At night, on the contrary, do not play with your baby, go into his room to feed him, turn on a dim light, turn down any noises at night, and do not talk too long with your baby. After a while, the baby will understand that daytime is for playing, and nighttime is for sleeping.

3. Allow your baby to fall asleep by himself. A 2-3 month-old baby’s sleep should gradually become independent – you need to give him a chance to fall asleep by himself. Just put a sleepy baby in a crib, and leave it to itself. We advise not to lull him, do not feed him before going to sleep. Babies get habits related to sleep in childhood. If every night before going to sleep the first months of his life lulled, so why shouldn’t he wait for the same thing later?

4. A baby between 3 and 6 months of age sleeps for 15-17 hours a day, 6-8 hours at night, and the rest of the time is spent in 3-4 daytime sleep periods of 2-3 hours. At the beginning of this period, babies usually like nighttime feedings. It is important to cultivate sleep habits during this period.

5. Parents should follow the regime, and establish a time and ritual of going to bed – children especially perceive the sequence of actions, so you should not change the order and observance of these measures. Prefer independent falling asleep, ventilate the room well before going to bed.